CNN’s Fred Pleitgen details new footage released by Ukrainian forces from a battle against Russia in Eastern Ukraine. #CNN #News
Watch Ukraine helicopters assault Russian position
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I think CNN is being trolled by the russians. "I am going to walk around with a hoodie over my head and act sick"
I wonder if the teleprompter was written wrong or this host is purposefully mis pronouncing Kadyrov as Kadryov.
That doesn't look like him in the "video he posted"
Any information coming out of CNN is one big lie. Infact it has got to the point where if CNN says the US president Joe Biden , I will immediately doubt that Biden is the US president.
Wow! Unbelievable journalism, totally unbiased. I am sure they will take Bakhmut this time
God bless Biden and god bless the free world that fights for freedom. If we as humans unite we will accomplish not having the mass extinction of man kind
Well done all brave Ukranian freedom fighters
Gotta love how CNN has managed to become more tinfoil propaganda from a parallel universe than FOX.
Glory to Russia

Gravely ill with no evidence to back up this absurdity. This CNN lady is gifted in lies and stupidities with her serpentine face. Are Ukrainians planting their flags in Azov Sea beaches and Crimea now?
NATO was built for this and Ukraine is doing all the work.
Injected me with Poison
NATO Allies must give Ukraine EVERYTHING it needs. That Ukraine wins this war and the saving of Ukrainian llves is the most important thing for the world and all of NATO. Get it done.
Viva putin
Ukraine full of Nazis glory to Russia
How little sensitivity these leaders have, Ukraine has suffered the massacre of its citizens with thousands of deaths by an invading country and they ask Ukraine to give in, the question is if their countries were invaded would they also give in? The answer would hardly be the one that they ask.
If Ukraine attacks Russian cities in the future Ukraine will win