Watch Alex Wagner Tonight Highlights: Sept. 19

Watch Alex Wagner Tonight Tuesday through Friday at 9 p.m. ET.

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  1. 1
    Tim Mattson

    My last bit of advice I'd give Trump and his moronic MAGA base would be : turn yourself in and confess all your greedy, power-hungry deeds; just think of the load that will be lifted, I mean, the weight off society itself would fill a few stadiums, for sure. And think of the bizillions of dollars saved, by both yourself and the government

  2. 3
    DJ Pomare

    The Rise and Fall of the Divided Sates.

    Remember when the US was praised for Ali, Elvis & MJ.

    Now the US is laughed at for Orange Stupid, school shootings and pandemic mismanagement.

    MAGATs believe repeating lies make it true. Let's try it out. I'm a billionaire. Please tell me I'm billionaire to make it true. Nope not yet, say it again.

  3. 4
    Raul Escandon

    We're lucky there's enough truly patriotic Republicans speaking out against Trump's wrongdoing and alleged crimes to convict him. Thank you to all of them, including George Conway.

  4. 6

    When those blue collar workers are not properly aware of what's happening that affects their very jobs, they aren't able to make informed decisions on their vote. Defendant 45 is determined to spin some BS propaganda at them and unfortunately many may buy it. Getting people to vote against their own best interests is a thing republican politicians have been very good at in the past. It behooves everyone of every economic class to pay close attention not to what they say on the campaign trail but what have they done or are doing. BS promises are 10 cents a dozen but actions are worth millions.

  5. 8

    d.trump is getting INFO. on his rivals AND his croonies to USE AGAINST THEM. Who is doing his dirty work? He's not DOING it himself.

  6. 12
    Mark Furst

    It will be some kind of torture for tRump to sit silent in a courtroom and not be able to speak while they are talking about HIM.

  7. 13

    Makes me think of a Jedi Mind Trick, "These are not the boxes you are looking for. You don't know anything, move along."

  8. 16
    Alfred Cool

    Thank you, Ms. Wagner for your honesty and reporting. IMO, this Congress, the tyranny of the few, rules on the principle of chaos. The setup to dismantle Democracy took root with Reagan, provided a direct hit with Clinton's Wall Street derivative deregulations, and is finally showing its teeth in the biased Supreme Court under the direction of old, white billionaire men who scoff at Democracy and wave their Bibles at your diminishing freedoms. Not a good look, America.

  9. 21
    Paul Baker

    So TFG is going to Detroit. I wonder how many rank and file UAW members will show up for his fascist rally. One would hope they would show up to protest and not to attend.

  10. 25

    The country is torn apart, SCOTUS captured, Congress is sabotaged and POTUS, DOJ/FBI do ….nothing!?!

    DNC use the 2016 playbook choosing Hilary over Bernie and expect everyone to support Biden seriously risking a repeat!?!

    If Democrats want to win 2024 Biden need to expand SCOTUS by executive order NOW !

    DOJ need to grow some spine and move on sitting Rumplican Congress members NOW ! – Use A 14.3 !

    FBI need to move on MAGA terrorists NOW !

    Judges need to realize pre-trial detention of P01135809 is required NOW !

  11. 28
    Chris Lee

    0:34: 🔍 Former President Donald Trump allegedly used mafia-like double speak to indirectly tell his executive assistant to lie to the FBI.
    4:24: 📰 The video discusses Trump's strategy and the various incidents that make it ineffective.
    8:36: 💬 The speaker discusses the leaking of information and how it may be happening for various reasons, including lack of ethics rules.
    12:24: 😱 The Supreme Court's refusal to hear a case on gerrymandering in Alabama is concerning and suggests either corruption or a lack of concern for civil rights.
    16:47: 🔥 The Supreme Court corruption scandal is intertwined with the court cases and docket management, revealing a larger story of pay to play and voter suppression efforts.
    Recap by Tammy AI

  12. 32
    William Pride

    World Health Day 2023 Messages

    Physical fitness is the first prerequisite to happiness. To keep the body in good health is a duty; otherwise, we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom and keep our mind strong and clear.Apr 6, 2023

  13. 34
    Ty Cobb

    This show every night is just a ton of “what ifs” no substance or proof just the words “what if” trump did this. “What If” trump says this. Nauseating.

  14. 35
    Chris Locke

    I get that criminals do not have to testify… but don't witnesses have to? Can't they call him as a witness, and watch him burry himself and everyone else within 3 minutes flat?

  15. 37
    Kathy Pariso

    Trump promised he would get the coal mines reopened too. Guess what? Never happened!! No one should believe Trump about anything…like the healthcare that was always coming “next week”…and again NEVER happened.

  16. 38
    ME McC

    MEANWHILE…TODAY, the WHO is meeting to sign your rights away regarding pandemic issues and global response!!!!

  17. 39
    Joe P

    Hunter doesnt even have as many charges as trump😂. Id vote for Hunter before trump anyday of the week. Hunter has guns, trump just has a big mouth, all bark no bite.

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