‘Great realignment’: Are Never-Trump Republicans actually just Democrats now?

Political reporter Ben Jacobs argues Never-Trump Republicans are now a “decisive” part of the Democratic coalition. “They’re looking for normal Republicans. And if [the candidates] are crazy Republicans, they’re going straight Democrat,” says Jacobs on this group of voters. 
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  1. 2
    Robby Rodriguez


  2. 3
    Starry Crown

    After four years of insanity and so much criming, then all the lies, and finally an insurrection—sane people can see change must happen or else.

  3. 4
    Space Doctor

    For full realignment, as happened in the 1820s, 1850s, 1890s-1900s, and 1930s, a big policy issue has to emerge that divides the country at close to 50/50. I could imagine more country club Republicans becoming Democrats, Democratic Party gets huge, then splits in half as a new issue takes center stage and then the 6th two-party system begins

  4. 5
    Christopher Rolens

    I have voted in every election since 1986 when I turned 18 years old. I voted Republican until T***. In 2016, I wrote in a conservative because T*** horrified me! I voted for Biden in 2020 more to vote against T** than to vote for Biden. The more far right the conservative party gets, the more left I find myself leaning. Not only am I a "Never-T****," I will vote against any conservative who does not condemn this sociopath. Any conservative who favors him does not support our democracy.

  5. 6
    Lisa Orlando

    This comes closer than anything else I’ve read or seen so far to explaining why Brian Kemp won in Georgia. I believe he was being rewarded by voters who might otherwise have voted for Stacey Abrams. He himself has explained his win as a result of people knowing who he is and what he’s done for the state, and that might indeed be part of it. But the fact that Warnock won, and Abrams lost also raises the question of who the voters wanted to reward, and who they wanted to punish. They were not going to send a Trumper election denier to the Senate, but maybe they really wanted Kemp to know that they were behind him.

  6. 8
    Derek Sanderson

    No, most of us are not secret Democrats, though we may support some policies that are in of the party platform. We just recognize that bad policies can be fixed later, while recovering from the loss of democracy is much, much harder.

  7. 9

    I think the advent of Trump was a wake-up call to a lot of people, myself included. I was never going to vote Trump, so I chose not to vote in 2016. Then Trump became president. I realized I had to vote in 2020, but my vote didn't matter because of the electoral college. I voted for Biden, but since my state is always red, my vote, along with everyone elses, was in practical terms for Trump. Not literally. It was counted, but it only ever applied to my state and had no bearing on the election because of where I live. 51-49 and 99-1 are the same within the electoral college, and both treated as 100-0. My vote didn't matter.

    …So, yeah. I've changed a lot over the past few years, realigned my political beliefs and understanding, and come to the conclusion that the electoral college is a fundamentally broken and evil system. My entire paradigm shift to a more informed and active person is meaningless because I live in a red state, so it's like nothing changed at all and that sucks…

  8. 10

    I'm a very liberal Democrat, but I don't support one party rule. We need intelligent, honest Republican politicians to hold office also. But they have become few and far between. I understand the intent and ideals of a main street Republican and the vision they have for our country. It's not the same vision I hold, but we can debate our differences and work to a compromise. The Trump embolden Republicans we are seeing in office now are really acting in a anti-democratic way by trying to strangle our government and society in general to have their way, even though the majority of voters are against their policies.

  9. 11
    David Peloquin

    This is overstated: Former Republicans who are true pragmatist MAY vote blue as long as the crazies are in charge of the GOP, but won't automatically vote for crazy Democrats. To the extent they vote in Democratic primaries, they may also help the Dems avoid an eventual mad rush into unhinged politics, but the risk of echo-chamber politics on the left has by no means disappeared.

  10. 12


    Sometimes we must go against the flow

    Questioning what our shepherd’s may say.

    For they are not God, only human

    And for their integrity, we pray.

    By honor we can stay undiminished

    Keeping ourselves entire and whole.

    Avoiding human hate and mistrust

    While struggling to preserve our soul.

    With honesty we obtain uprightness

    And by love and compliance we gain grace.

    Integrity gives us proper goals

    Improving the standard of our race.

    Goodness and evil illustrate life

    Like the two sides of every coin.

    Most can’t help but experience both

    As we learn who to trust, follow and join.

    Republicans and democrats campaign for office

    In God’s land of liberty, freedom and choice.

    Deliberately shaping their future in history

    By their judgment, accomplishment and voice.

    The falsehoods of politics shadow man’s soul

    Testing our faith, temperament and resolve.

    Real heroes defend, liberate and unite

    Facing problems with a mandate to solve.

    No democracy can survive the uncaring

    Those who are corrupted by money and power.

    The importance of honor, truth & integrity

    Is without them no nation can flower.

    By Tom Zart

    Most Published Poet On The Web !!

  11. 15
    parodoxal1 .

    I hope not. They are still just some crap. It's bad enough that we have the Pelosis, Manchins, etc. They are basically republican with a little bit of concern for the less well off. Folks who have actually been republican and proud of it until now…well we don't want them either. Not falling for it.

  12. 16
    Nic Moreno

    So is the Trump name gonna be tore off one of his buildings and put on whatever prison he is sent to ? HE SAID he only puts his name on the best…maybe his cell mate will get the name tattooed …..

  13. 18
    Alfred George

    Republicans and Democrats unite at the polls…vote out MAGA.

    America…we need to get back to important issues and move our country forward.

  14. 20
    Gnirol Namlerf

    Except for the fact that "Democratic" is a good name for a political party, what we really should have is a Constitutional Party covering all those who believe in the rules of law, and whatever the Republicans want to call themselves. I'd call them anti-constitutionalists, but they're not really against constitutions as an idea; they just want one that gives them and their Dear Leader all the power, sort of like a junta leader after the military overthrow of an elected government. New constitution is written to give the military the power to rule unilaterally or else overrule the constitution and political institutions when it feels like it, so it can say it took the action "constitutionally".

    That is the important decision Americans have to make in this and upcoming elections, not whether $80 billion should be redirected from defense to education and child care or not, important as that would normally be. If the anti-constitutionalist party gets several wins in a row, there will be no debate on defense or education spending or anything else of significance any more.

  15. 21
    Joe P

    When will we see protest in the streets to lock trump up? If that happened we might wouldnt have to wait years.

  16. 24
    Xyz Abcd

    Trump is FAR ahead of ALL other Republican Candidates and FAR more popular than the Xiden Coup Candidate who was FORCE-INSTALLED BY TRAITORS in 2020.

  17. 25

    Are Never-Trump Republicans actually just Democrats now? No. They advocate Republican ideas on the role of government. At best, they hope to lead a new Republican Party. At worst, they hope to take over the Democratic Party by getting us to chose them over our best leaders and thinkers. To quote the old Free to Be You and Me album, "Some kind of help / is the kind of help / we all can do without."

  18. 26

    I became an Independent, and refuse to vote for an R again until there's a purge of some kind and every Trumper is gone. Trump ruined the GOP 100%.

  19. 27

    Never Trump = Never MAGA
    Have to VOTE BLUE because our Democracy IS at stake until the GOP fixes itself! Just Say’n 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸

  20. 29
    Mr. Tom

    The Dumpster version of the GOP is all theatre led by a reality TV host. The Dump had control of both the legislative and executive branches for two years, and did nothing but talk about the issues he claims to have solutions for. He increased the deficit and lowered tax revenue, no immigration/asylum reform, just his wall/ monument idea, no anti-crime measures, no health care reform, no infrastructure bill, etc. It is all talk and bluster from the Bombastic blowhard Dump.

  21. 30
    Tisha Hayes

    The republican party had abdicated its position to take part of our democracy when they decided that democracy was their enemy. Once they became all loony and authoritarian with a complete disregard over indisputable facts I left them for-good. And I had been a republican since 1977 and the "carter years".
    I have always been socially liberal/ fiscally conservative but those distinctions are gone. The republican party went and fractured the political landscape in an irregular way and now it is a cultist, pro-authoritarian system that reads like a bad version of the evil "Star Trek Universe".

  22. 31
    orna g

    No, the Democratic Party has replaced the moderate republicans. There is no voice for the left; or the American people.

  23. 32
    Pawel Gnatowski

    Only thing republicans had to do is to vote for impeachment.
    They failed even that.
    Democrats are no saints, but pale in comparison to the joke republican party has become.
    Wish they listened to Rommney…

  24. 43

    I will never doubt Lindsey Graham's predictions again. He was right when he said Donald would destroy his party, and they would deserve it.

  25. 44

    I’m a Republican who never supported Donald Trump or any candidate who pledged allegiance to him. However, I’m still a Republican.

  26. 45
    Charles Silver

    Our country will not be well until we get all of the rot out of our system. We need to get rid of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Prosecute Michael Flynn and all others who took an oath in support of the Constitution. Let's go back to baseball.

  27. 48
    Thun Rcom

    Mr. Trump runs for US presidency to protect the US constitution and to make AMERICA GREAt AGAIN …His previous goal (2016 – 2020) was to stop american people from being the Chinese globalized slavery system😂😂😂😂😂😂

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