Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn., joins Morning Joe to discuss the possibility of a government shutdown, the first impeachment hearing, the war in Ukraine and Sen. Tuberville’s blocking on military promotions.
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Why is Sen. McConnell being led around by Tuberville? Dem rips GOP inaction on military blockings
#JimHimes #TommyTuberville #Military
Rosendale needs to be kicked out of Montana and the house!! Can’t stand him. Back to Maryland you go Matt.
How long do we have to put up with this dysfunctional party? They obviously have no shame they have no good agenda. they have no leadership and they are poor examples of Americans! How long do we need to put up with them? Shouldn’t they be considered null and void and have our country move along without them?
Moscow Mitch is no longer mentally competent!
Nice to hear her be able to get out her whole sentences and thoughts without interruption
Tired of being governed by fear
I wonder how miltary families are going to vote next time?
These nuts must do derelict at Maralazo

Maybe he doesn't know what raking the havoc means. Try using wreaking havoc.
Proving again that a Republican government doesn't work. They are not serious politicians.
Vote the repubs OUT!!
The moment that he took the position of Speaker of the House it was more than obvious, that all this madness will follow.
As a European l cant understand how it is that one person can prevent the effect running of them military ? Putin must be so happy !
NO Democrat should EVER say anything complimentary about McConnell! He's a political satan who has hurt us all deeply. If it weren't for him, we may have had a decent Supreme Court. You admire his 'procedural ability? Sick to my stomach to hear that.
Looking to McCarthy for control is a mistake. I think he is sicker than anyone is letting on…..he has no more fight. Like Diane Feinstein who's aids have to point out which buttons to push to vote. We have some bad situations made worse by age related reduction of mental ability all throughout government……
Being lead around by the nose is one thing but by the nose hairs; OUCH!!!
To be fair, it might be because McConnell is having trouble expressing himself recently
You can read it by braille.
Back in the day. We were happy not to be included in white peoples ideas(politics). Today, there is a move to get back to those days. Only a portion of society will be left out and who pay taxes. With no return on investments. Trump is not the only person who thinks like him. Some see trumps way as a failure. Others see it as a way to get what you want. Once the smoke clears only then we will see who is standing. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Abortionists have ceased being human.
Yup, another Repukelickin hissy fit ordered by the orange crime king himself no doubt.
Is white nationalist a race or a social and political party?! Or all three. Then why the names?! Arabs are white? Can they be white nationalist too!? They are hiding shydd!?
So, ATC's are going to be ordered to work for no pay after being under staffed & over worked for years while the people that caused the shut down still get payed.
How fu*ked is that???
SOMEONE has to lead McConnell around. I guess Tuberville has the time, now that he is not doing his job. I notice that fast-food places have stricter views on whether people actually work than the senate.
Is Putin controlling McCarthy and the GOP? Trump loves Putin. Trump directs the GOP to help Putin. What is happening in the USA? Get these traitors out of power!!!!! Tuberville is a traitor.
Vote out Republicans if you value your tax dollars at all.
Actually according to Trump, doing something quid pro quo’s is impeachable. He said it in a speech just a few days ago
Autobots roll out ! Magatrump is getting away.
I hope the republican voters punish these charlatans at the polls.
Spot on analysis from Rep. Himes. The only swamp creature lower than Tuberville is McCarthy. Such blatant greed for power, such willingness to inflict misery on millions of Americans just to hold on to the Speakership is disgusting. To paraphrase Liz Cheney, in years to come McCarthy's name will be dishonoured, he will be remembered as a weakling, who broke his oath, and sacrificed the wellbeing of his fellow countrymen.
watching from australia……..disgusting and sickening!
Why is military recruitment down 25%?
Maybe just maybe Congress shouldn't have taken a six-week vacation????
no one will stop the "tub" as perhaps "they" (gop) are mostly funded by Putin/Xi – who are laughing at the insanity they have created
OMG! The nonsensical drivel just goes on and on. Rump's "handlers" want to see Democracy destroyed, because Oligarchies do better under a Dictator (that they prop up), than under a less predictable electorate. Rump is a straight up TRAITOR. His Enablers are Straight Up Traitors. His followers are Monumentally, and probably Irretrievably, Stupid. I'm sure it is a lot of fun for the pundits to kick around the legal minutia, but the Majority of us who are still in possession of a Brain, 2 Eyes, and 2 Ears can see what the "rightwing" is doing. The only thing I am interested in hearing about are Legal Maneuvers to keep ALL Insurrectionists OFF the 2024 Ballot, under 14(3). Period.
It's because McConnel has a ring in his nose like a hog.