What happens to Georgia Trump case without Fani Willis?

Georgia D.A. Fani Willis, head prosecutor of the Georgia election interference case that has indicted Donald Trump, is the subject of a misconduct hearing after one of Trump’s co-defendants raised Willis’ relationship with a fellow prosecutor as a conflict of interest. Judge McAfee said that Willis could be disqualified from the case if the District Attorney’s relationship with another prosecutor is deemed “improper”. What happens to the case if Willis is disqualified or decides to step aside? Katie Phang Show explains.

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  1. 6

    Question…If a cop arrests a criminal after catching him in the act of mugging someone and snatching their purse of briefcase, should the criminal be let go because the cop has an unpaid parking ticket?

  2. 11

    I wonder if DA Willis case could be a problem in the end for the 19 defendants. Could the chosen jury be irritated by this moment and be less tolerant towards the 19 accused.

  3. 14

    The only one who cares about this affair is the Orange Clowns that will do anything to derail this trial. Where and who she slept with has nothing to do with the fact that all these people along with the Orange Clown Prince tried to throw out bots and still the election. Let the trials begin!!!

  4. 15

    Lol the funny thing is the only reason it’s this big of a deal, is because Fani hasn’t stepped down. She hasn’t stepped down because the charges won’t be carried anywhere else, and we all know that.

    You guys all are sheep. Trump 2024.

  5. 17

    There is absolutely no credibility damage done. Everyone knows exactly what trupp team is doing. They have lost credibility by proving that they are afraid of going to trial 😂😂. The Rico case must move on and fast.

  6. 18

    If i hear one more person say, "It's not a illegal to have a relationship" then im giving up on this voting base… Clearly, its not illegal to be in a relationship with someone you work with but it is illegal to trick off on your lover with tax payer dollars and hire them as a kick back and not disclose the relationship. She even gave an unsolicited admission that she kept campaign funds to put on a house payment, which is a violation of campaign finanace laws and may even be considered mortgage fraud 🤦🏾‍♂️.. It isnt illegal to allow that person to work a case with you, but it is unethical and stupid since you are giving ammunition to the defense. It is common practice for a judge or attorney to recuse themselves to avoid the appearance of impropriety or conflict of interest. She not only made that stupid mistake, but she also lied about the relationship and when it started, according to her former friend who testified… Put a fork in it, the case is done. Its too tainted at this point. Whats sad is she's not some ordinary private attorney, she's Georgia DA on stand talking like a City Girl and acting like theres not supposed to be any consequences. You cant have a position like that calling yourself holding someone accountable when you're engaging in alleged Embezzlement and flexing with money thats not yours. Im sure in the future she will be brought up on charges based on what was revealed in the hearing.

  7. 23

    The case wasn’t in need nor is it now in need of “saving” or “resuscitation “

    Defendant have been and will continue to flip onTrump owing to the gravity of the potential punishment for such a foolhardy and cavalier endeavor

  8. 24

    Wait she doesn’t just get disqualified she also gets disbarred and might go to jail for lieing under oath comon now if it was trump o boy they go after that 😊

  9. 31

    No one is willing to sacrifice anything, because what you are doing matters and is so important, Willis is no different.

    People keep saying you will go down on the wrong side of history, wonder what they’ll say about Fani Willis She wanted to get some, regardless of the whole nation watching, what Fani needs was way more important.

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