Vienna’s Jewish community in shock after arson attack on cemetery hall

Vienna’s Jewish community is in shock after a ceremonial hall of the Jewish section of the city’s main cemetery was set on fire. The last time this happened was almost to the day 85 years ago during the 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom carried out by Nazi party members. CNN’s Fred Pleitgen reports.

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  1. 1

    I'm muslim and it's wrong for anyone to desecrate any places of worship or holy scriptures , we're all human beings , in this corrupt world of ours we have the good the bad and the ugly in every nationality or religion .May God almighty guide and protect us all .

  2. 6

    What a despicable act! I am so sorry! 😪 Hate is always wrong, it just creates more hate! I am praying for all jews, the palestinian citizens and all other people who suffer from war, oppression, hate and violence! The world needs peace! 🙏

  3. 9

    Every human being must be clear and firm in condemning anti-Semitism, the death of innocent Israeli civilians and Palestinian civilians in Gaza and in the West Bank. The issue is with brutal political Zionism which is a colonial enterprise from the late 1890's and has been dehumanizing Palestinians for more than a hundred years. Shalom and Salam to all victims.

  4. 10

    The rise of the antisemitism is both what the fascist apartheid regime in Israel want and as a result of their actions in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

    This is the analysis of many Jews who are against Israel’s government actions of brutality and land grab.

  5. 11


  6. 17

    By the one true Gospel you are saved:

    Believe that Jesus Christ has always existed as He is God. He was born of a virgin, wrapped in flesh and lived a sinless life on earth. He died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and on the third day He rose from the dead.

  7. 20

    ▪ Mayor of London – Muslim.

    ▪ Mayor of Birmingham – Muslim.

    ▪Mayor of Leeds – Muslim.

    ▪Mayor of Blackburn – Muslim.

    ▪Sheffield Mayor – Muslim.

    ▪ Mayor of Oxford – Muslim.

    ▪ Mayor of Luton – Muslim.

    ▪ Mayor of Oldham – Muslim.

    ▪ Mayor of Rockdale – Muslim

    All this was achieved by only 4 million Muslims out of 66 million people in England:

    Today there are more than 3,000 Muslim mosques in England.

    There are more than 130 Muslim sharia courts.

    There are more than 50 Muslim Sharia Councils.

    78 percent of Muslim women do not work, supported by the state + free housing.

    63 percent of Muslim men do not work, supported by the state + free housing.

    Muslim families with an average of 6 to 8 children, supported by the state, receive free accommodation. Now every school in Britain is required to teach a lesson about Islam!

    And all of Europe can't decide on immigration policy?

    One of the ways to fight this phenomenon is to continue spreading this information throughout the US, Europe and the world, to inform uneducated citizens, who mainly listen to the radio and watch television, and do not always read a newspaper, where no one reveals this most dangerous truth!

    To this day I have not seen this information in the world media in general and in the European media in particular.

    Have you ever seen such information in the media?

    Please pass it on so that the world wakes up to the coming disaster, as Hamas, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Muslim Jihad, the Houthis, ISIS and all sorts of other scumbags may be on the way while many careless and ignorant people support their cause

    The lesson that the West must learn and internalize quickly:

    Muslim culture has quietly invaded the West and they are already sharpening their sharp and destructive claws.

    France has 5 million problems, England 4 million, Germany 3 million and Spain about 2 million, the United States about 500 thousand and in the West an infinite number of mosques.

    They operate in secret and some seem peaceful while nesting, but when they reach the majority, they impose their own rules and become violent.

    Today we saw them a little shy and scared next to the leaders of the West in the demonstrations that took place in France, but tomorrow they will fund the bloody Islamic terrorists with their dollars.

    Another lesson for the West to learn…

    When an Arab leader asks to build a mosque in the West, the Western leaders must demand the power to build churches in the Arab countries. If it is not allowed, then do not let the mosque be built.

    Pass it on!

  8. 25

    Bidens weakness leads to Ukraine and Israel.

    In two short years Biden has not only screwed the USA but the entire globe.

    -Taliban debacle, 85 billion new weapons to the Taliban

    -USA debt downgrade, spending trillions on green energy donors. Money gone forever.

    -Massive inflation and recession

    -Eliminated trade packages that benefitted America over adversaries

    -Allowed another major war where he is escalating toward WW3

    -Wasting billions of $ to keep a float a country that is doomed, while homelessness skyrockets

    -Allowed thousands of terrorist into the country ready to God knows what

    -Israel under largest attacks in years taking adv of Biden weakness

    -Suppression of free speech

    -Accepting 10's of millions in bribes

    -Drained the strategic oil reserves

    -Lifted sanctions on Iran 1st week in office

    -Making the USA energy dependant on foreign adversaries

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