Two Missouri police officers were called out to investigate a furry friend in the road.

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  1. 3
    Conure heaven

    Honestly that cop is brave as hell because lemurs have huge teeth, I have no clue how they kept lemurs this long, but they are prob going to be in trouble, I wonder how it got here lol, glad the cop didn’t get hurt and same with the lemurs , they are so loud they do this howl at night and other lemurs get annoyed and try closing the howling lemurs mouth lol so funny to watch that happen, they are one of our oldest relatives

  2. 7

    for every cutesy video of cops doing something nice, there's 10 videos and 100 incidents that weren't filmed of them being basically an armed and violent racist gang.

  3. 16
    Wesley Hitchcock

    And they didn't shoot it!! See, there is improvement in "the problem with woke radical left lemurs" I am hoping for additional improvment with humans…😳

  4. 19

    I knew he had to be a pet. Look at all those trees and he wouldn't climb them to get away, just kept running. Stupid people keeping these types of animals as pets, hope they got fined. I'm glad he's safe.

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