Cassidy Hutchinson, former Trump White House aide and author of “Enough,” talks with Rachel Maddow about how classified material was handled by her boss at the time, then Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows, and others in the Trump administration.
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#msnbc #markmeadows #trump
Trump is a traitor that stole confidential documents, and he calls others traitors
donald dump
I'd like to know why Ms. Hutchinson worked for Trump in the first place.
Gaetz was finally right about something….Cassidy Hutchinson IS a national treasure. Thanks Rachel but most importantly, a big THANK YOU to Ms. Hutchinson. Well done. Brava!
Fake news lol thanks for giving mr.trump more attention lol
First hand witness with potential witness and maybe recordings. Mark boy is a wissel
She is a woman given a pass with money deals. Is so evident
She has come a long way,,but,,the first time I heard chump talk i knew he was an obvious egomaniac,,how come she didn't ????,,
Meadows is a shady character.
It is not in any way hard to believe that the Trump administration, behind the scenes, was chaotic in the last days of his criminal administration. In fact, sources say that it was pretty much like that from day one. There needs to be a law established that everything that happens in the White House is recorded for posterity, because I guarantee that what we've heard from Cassidy and others is only the tiniest tip of the huge iceberg that is the corrupt Trump administration.
-To CH, I like your responses to all of the interviewers who have attempted to approach with different angles. so that the audiences would have chance to review.
-To our audiences, all of our interviewers and the staffs have been explored common grounds on behalf of fairness for nations to stay in positive directions. Up to the points of no choices and for the integrity of the journalism, they have to call a person is lying. a liar! My point is as long as the current spineless republicans would still be too selfish for their seats and fear to say or accept the truths, then America has dragged its nations to the verge of too 'sick' to get out of the darkness. For instance, the German during 1930 and to the WW2, they had thought or been propagandized that German were the strongest and the best race to lead the world. And you have known the world tragic results, and even Germany has laws to prohibit and prevent those sick, hatred and murderous ideas to circulate their society and their nation.
-It has been more than 8 years already and the health of the nation is not getting better. Another 8 years, 12 years, or another 16 years?
-Can you imagine that if America is strong and healthy, their citizens are happy and more positive, as well as the world will be benefit as well?
This young lady, Cassidy Hutchinson, has ssooo much integrity, it drips from her. The fact that Mark Meadows, her boss, had a spokesperson chastise her, basically calling her a liar, to save Mark's own skin, speaks volumes. Clearly Ms. Hutchinson is a TRUE patriot, whereas the people around her working environment, wanted to destroy democracy.
How is this young courageous woman one of the only Republicans who actually understood her oath to the constitution? Full credit to her for having the strength to hold to her oath and convictions. Maybe one day she should run for office and bring back some honesty to politics.
Fake News.
Not buying anything this woman is saying. Trying to make this a “ deep throat “ moment is utter embarrassing and laughable.
Cassidy Hutchinson speaks the truth with 100% great courage for being so strong and forthright.
Can you say HANDMAIDEN BRAINWASHED? Cassidy is definitely seen some crazy $hit…. And she's STILL damaged from it…
Please don't paint this lady as a Hero. She knew what Trump was before she tried to work with him before/during/after Trump's Presidency. She just happens to not be crazy like the rest of the Trump Troop.
Ms Hutchinson is a legend. History will bear that out.
How bout the courage on this lady to call Trump Clown Show out.
At least somebody in this country has the stones to do it
She is also a criminal, all those who voluntarily joined and served the trump administration is a traitor
is she answering questions or not i am confuse
I respect what she's doing now, but I also know she stayed in the Trump administration until its very last second. She never quit because of her concern about the issues she now states. She never quit working for the people she now says should never be elected to office.
Nieve .Just to young. Why do old men pick young women like this Nothing wrong with women but come one little Nieve don.t you think?
She’s the hear say girl that didn’t see or hear firsthand anything in a real court that’s not acceptable.
Can you get a witness?
Ms. Hutchinson will have books written about her for her bravery…. I hope there is a movie about her soon. She is a hero.
Great interview
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers it can bribe the public with the public's own money – Alexis de Toqueville, 1835
Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear – Harry S. Truman
>>'Reckless and careless': Former Trump White House aide describes mishandling of documents<<
it is NOT just Reckless and Careless. IT IS A CRIMINAL CONDUCT.
Courageous woman… & a Patriot! BE SAFE!
Her choice of words were filled with integrity. She never demeaned anyone by calling them names or belittling them. She stated opinions based on her value system. Very impressive. Thank you Cassidy for your courage and honesty. You will play a vital part in saving our Democracy..
Please read me bedtime stories Cassidy. Your voice is incredible.
man, get her to testify at the Georgia trials. she will burn those people.
Once you accept that they are all white supremist that don't care about anything but keeping a racist president in power it all makes sense.they do not care
Meadows should be locked up

Cassidy is a Trump supporter !!
She knew and helped him in his reign of terror !!
Only on January 6 ,did she change her mind !
But she is still a Republican and supports their disgusting policies !!
Cassidy is LYING to sell her book
Cassidy Hutchinson has more courage and balls than any of our leaders, politicians. She is speaking out. These government individuals are doing nothing. And when djt and his demons take to the streets, dont be surprised.
It's funny that Cassidy is the only perfect person in government! Boy I wish some of her old skeletons would come out !!
I'm sorry for the relentless and baseless smearing she us now in store for by the gop.
Hi Rachel Anne.
What she faced was the monster in the room.
She might be late to the party but better late than never. What she did was brave especially in the cult like environment she was in and I believe history will be on her side. She is a true American.
Remember it was the Democrats who used play 1915 Pro Kkk propaganda videos at White House , introduced their first attempt at Controlling America by introduction of Prohibition, only wanted rights for Only white American landowners, started viet nam war , first of presidents caught in disgrace or stepped down , like Beijing biden should , real democrats realize this president is not for America but for Marxist /communist China and now their leaving behind the socialist communist democrat party , Trump 2024 , Black , asians,Latino and Hispanic leaders and Young people are now realizing what the Democrats historically represent and is anti American look at our borders and military age invaders released into America and China has CCP cells across the country and been caught surveying military bases and has a company that has CCp employees who go every year companies paid Pro CCP allegiance and now Isis infiltrations and No homeland security from Beijing Biden’s 10%
Well at least we can say she has more balls then Mark Meadows
Oh. A book. Say it ain't so. Nothing wrong with writing a book but ..
It's still a good interview
Trump Never planned on leaving the White House; so when it became a Dumpster-Fire hysteria, of course He took all the Classified Documents to Mara-Lardo! What a freaking Doofus! Christ Almighty….!!!
IF Mark Meadows cooperates with any of the investigations it will only be because of this valiant woman, whose conscience compelled her to come forward and tell the truth. The seditious coward and perpetrator Meadows would only speak as needed to save his own skin.