‘It was my decision’: Trump speaks out on efforts to overturn election

Former President Donald Trump told NBC’s “Meet The Press” he listened to a number of people in the wake of the 2020 election that he lost to President Joe Biden, but ultimately he made the decision to pursue overturning the election. #CNN #News

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  1. 1
    Dark Spectrum

    Years later no evidence that election was as rigged but plenty of evidence that trump tried to overthrow an election based on beliefs. Even if it was rigged u still respect that u lost and don’t try to betray ur country and it’s democracy! No proof u leave. Proof, show it!
    Traitor trump!

  2. 2
    Olz Dee

    Everyones deranged or crooked if they dont like what Trump and his gaggle of idiots are trying to do to America.
    Everyones wrong except him and Putin. What a blatant attempt to try and bypass democracy to remain in power. He will go insane and end up in a hospital.

  3. 3
    Jose Rafael

    It’s obvious that Trump is a front man for American fascist oligarchs. Media owned by them give him undeserved coverage and distort “polls”

  4. 4
    Evelia Briehl

    I'm beginning to think that Trump fella might just be a tad bit on the shady side. He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  5. 7
    gary quarty

    True that an accurate recount would have changed the real winner. I don't think overturn is the right terminology. When did asking for an accurate recount become illegal?

  6. 10
    Eliezer Viruet

    JUAN GABRIEL dijo, LO QUE SE VE NO SE PREGUNTA. Esta claro la persecución virulenta del DEPARTAMENTO DE JUSTICIA ⚖FEDERAL Y EL FBI en contra del sr Donald Trump para destruirlo, inhabilitarlo políticamente. El volvera a ser presidente. DONALD TRUMP VOLVERÁ A GANAR LAS ELECCIONES DE LOS EEUU. PREPARENSE VIENE FIESTA GRANDE EN EEUU ,GRANDE VICTORIA de DONALD TRUMP EN LAS ELECCIONES.

  7. 17
    Hillary Karmo

    "I simply can't support him for Elected office again. Why I have chosen to distance is because of his frankly narcissistic tendency to simply say he's never done anything wrong"

    – Jenna Ellis Trump Lawyer. 💕💖✌💖💕 GOD Bless Everyone 💕💖✌💖💕

  8. 20
    Ken Holman

    The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction,

    founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynching's, and fought against

    the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Google it!

    Socialists and Communists have taken control of the Democratic Party.

  9. 22
    Sammie Piascik

    "I simply can't support him for Elected office again. Why I have chosen to distance is because of his frankly narcissistic tendency to simply say he's never done anything wrong"

    – Jenna Ellis Trump Lawyer. 💕💖✌💖💕 GOD Bless Everyone 💕💖✌💖💕

  10. 27
    Team Ginger

    thats why that prosecutor needs to make Trump shut up, he go on that interview and starts talking about all that stuff Joe Biden and his son did. Trump cant do nothing about that! He could call the cops, but they not gonna arrest Joe biden. Unless they want to

  11. 28

    Ive watched the whole clip and interview and im quite sure this is way out of context…he said it was his decision to believe the election was rigged based off the evidence he gathered from the people around him..not that he rigged it

  12. 30
    gwen witt

    He by the Amendment had a right to have votes counted but the Dems stood to not allow it against the law of constitutionally guaranteed to question it is not a crime news is evil as hell

  13. 31
    M E

    When you continuously blame others and never take accountability for yourself and your own actions- you will never grow or improve in your life. A reminder for everybody.

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