Hunter Biden sued the Internal Revenue Service, alleging its agents illegally released his tax information and that the agency failed to protect his private records. CNN’s Kara Scannell reports. #CNN #News
Hunter Biden sues the IRS
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He smokes cheese
Bro irs will murder the man, he will deeper then 6 feet.
Hunter Biden should sue Marjorie Taylor Greene for showing private pictures of him having sex (100% private) on national TV in front of Congress that she stole from his (a private citizen) computer..
What a joke…from one of the most successful carreer crime families in washington. Whos gonna push this crap thru the justice system? Garland?
Did Joe Biden name him "Hunter" because "Bubba" was already taken?
We don't care

Cocaine psychosis…
He net to help toda american
He brings new meaning to the word sleaze! Very good CNN

GOD Bless Everyone 

He brings new meaning to the word sleaze! Very good CNN

GOD Bless Everyone 

Hunter go ahead and pay my rent with your illegal money scams with you daddy
He should sue MARJORIE Tylor Green as well! I’m sure he is going too? seeing she showed his Penis in Congress!! Right? But she stands by her Rapist President!! Trump..
One business left to file
Sleepy Joe and crack hunter these are the crooks lead USA
Total BS stall tactic.
Ubytee mu djete.
Biden White House: "Hunter who?"
What did Obama see in Biden? He was the court jester.
Shameless creep
So, remind me . . .
How long did it take for the IRS to release Trump's tax returns?
Most Presidential candidates – since Nixon, I believe – have simply given their tax returns over for review by their party.
You know,
to help establish trust in their honesty. Kinda like I have to do when I agree to allow an interviewer at a potential job to access and review my credit report, or background check.
Normal stuff.
But Hunter wasn't interviewing for a government position (like, say, Ivanka, or Jared, or Donny Jr.)
When dems lose against the rules they predominantly create you know it’s bad
Good for him.
What a clown.

I'd like to sue them for non payment on my 2021 refund! They say they have my forms but that all I can get from them. He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy
So he got busted for sex trafficking human beings. Get over it Hunter your daddy can't protect you forever.
Absolutely. How did his information get out into the public. Everyone owes the IRS
Hunter is an @$$ clown who deserves what he gets. He first uses his dads DOJ to write up a deferment agreement the Prosecutor did not agree with, He then wants to sue whistleblowers for releasing information the Oversight Committee already had and made public previous to their sworn testimony, and now he told the judge he isn't showing up to his arraignment personally, and can be reached by facetime. LOL if Trump has to personally be arraigned so does Hunter Biden, no ones above the law.
shappley and the moron are not whistle blowers. they are criminals who intentionally violated hunter bidens rights just to become famous. i hope justice is served and the two criminals who committed these rights vioaltions against hunter biden are prosecuted and put in prison. that acted with malice and without authority in doing what they did.
And now you are reporting stuff about his private life. What happened to CNN? Are you turning into Fox News No. 2?
I thought this was all Russian disinformation CNN?
The Biden crime family just keeps on giving jail the whole family
So many Hunter apologists in this comment section. You liberals confuse me. You’re very impressionable.
I like BIG Girls like Sarah
Keep you warm !
Anyone who cites “Biden family” instead of the individual Biden in question automatically reveals themself as lacking objectivity.
Now maybe they will stop protecting him and coperate with the house to show what he was really up to
Let's see the Kushner's tax returns
I know Republicans are desperate to think everyone should gaf about Hunter, but I don't. He's not a politician, if he's guilty, charge him. I'm more interested in the 2 billion transaction between Javanka and the Saudis. What national secrets did they offer MBS?
Hunter owes 2.2 MILLION in UNPAID Taxes…anyone else would be in jail a long time ago
The degenerate crack heads never fall far from the tree, do they?
PS: "Don't touch me there, daddy."
–Ashley Biden
"Two point zero seven. Without the bag" – Hunter Biden weighing his crack cocaine while talking to a prostitute.
Imagine if this was one of Trump's kids
He needs to sue, the big guy is running out of funds now that they are watching the money trail.
Cnn is too pathetic to point out how it was hunters father who added 87,000 irs employees and $80 billion to collect more tax money…
Biden will step down very soon
I feel your pain bra. They hired 80000 revenuers to investigate my still cider.
Well done!! Please sue the supposed "wistleblowers" too. They are a disgrace!!