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  1. 1
    kelly cronin

    IE: asking the pharmacist and being limited and monitored! Wake Up people. Notice how they immediately talk about a "new" covid shot on the heels of their bull crap report.

  2. 3

    Phenylephrine HCl definitely CAN help dry out a runny nose, at least. Taking it off the market is unwarranted. This might be a great opportunity for someone to do some serious investigative reporting. There may be a conflict of interest involved in the recent studies.

  3. 4
    Jason Kiriako

    Folks! If you’re from planet earth 🌍 you know damn well they basically are pulling all the medicines that work!! They want to promote their jab 💉!! Don’t fall for it please! Wake up!!

  4. 5
    Bryan H

    Whaaaa!? Isn't it interesting how more and more of these pharmaceutical's are shown to be worthless… it's a good thing that they are here to tell you what really works 😉 😉 I mean imagine if these were the same people that told you this stuff was helpful in the first place, only to tell you several years and multi-billion dollars later that then never worked, I mean….. HEY! Wait a second!…

  5. 9
    Alethia Craine

    I've been taking Allegra-D for my chronic allergies and it's been helping me. I hardly have any allergy attacks because of it. He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  6. 10
    Alyssa Sickmeir

    I've been taking Allegra-D for my chronic allergies and it's been helping me. I hardly have any allergy attacks because of it. He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  7. 11
    Delia Elbahtity

    I've been testing hot whiskey with lemon, honey, and clove for decades! It works after 7 to 10 days everytime! He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  8. 12
    Mohamed Swonke

    Omg. The money I have spent on those same drugs when I was suffering from allergies. The whole time I thought I wasn’t taking enough and that’s why it wasn’t working., except I was take the recommended dosage. Literally soo much money. This pissed me off. He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  9. 14
    Hee Artz

    I've been testing hot whiskey with lemon, honey, and clove for decades! It works after 7 to 10 days everytime! Very good CNN

  10. 15
    Dante Brester

    I've been testing hot whiskey with lemon, honey, and clove for decades! It works after 7 to 10 days everytime! He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  11. 19
    Brooklynn Graves

    My parents never bothered with cold or flu medicine, they’d give us hot toddies or straight shots of Old Crow whiskey or brandy to keep us from coughing and we’d sleep whatever we were sick with off.

  12. 20
    Joshua A

    They finally figured out that the new sinus medicines are useless. Sudafed sucks because they banned the good ones over meth heads. The old version actually worked. For the body to use a medicine it has to make it past the liver. She is wrong the behind the counter medicine is worthless also. Sorry she is wrong.

  13. 22
    Jeremey Unger

    After decades of them working just fine, now they say they don't? Hmm, this wouldn't have anything to do with the government wanting people to not take anything but their tax payer funded shots that pay their corporate donors, would it?

  14. 23
    chris clark

    I mean. The FDA said oxycoten was not addictive. The day people stop living and running thier lives from the TV and government. We may just move forward. However, people are especially stupid.

  15. 24
    WithUr Shield

    Duuuuh!! I figured that out years ago! Now when allergy season hits, I just add a tsp of LOCAL honey in my herbal tea. Haven’t had allergy issues.

  16. 25
    Kimberly Garrett

    But the covid injections does and it has NO side effects. The FDA is a joke, like all the other 3 letter agencies they are paid puppets available to the highest bidder.

  17. 27

    The removal of pseudoephedrine to behind the pharmacy counter was because it was an ingredient to make methamphetamine. Thats when phenylephrine was pushed by the FDA as a better & safer alternative. The pharmacist told me it doesn't work and suggested to stick with using pseudoephedrine. Which I did, and its worked great all these years. Even the pharmacists all knew this PE stuff didn't work!

  18. 28
    Maurice Rose

    "In 1980, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Kentucky law that required the posting of the Ten Commandments in every public school in the state.

    So, for about four decades now, school children have been growing up without knowing God's standard for right and wrong while at school, and we might now be seeing the consequences of that decision."

    “"Organized shoplifting efforts and flash mobs of robberies across the country caused businesses $100 billion in losses in 2021 and have only gotten worse since then according to the National Retail Federation.”"

    "Flash mob robberies have gotten so out of control in Los Angeles that the LAPD created a new task called "Organized Retail Crimes Task Force" solely for taking down individuals involved in organized retail crime."

    "During the Soviet era in Russia, one American visitor reported their process for dealing with shoppers. Three clerks were available and everyone shopping was lined up outside the store. A clerk allowed one customer in at a time and was taken by the second clerk to obtain the merchandise that they wished.

    Then, they were escorted to the cash register where they paid for their purchase and left the store. At that point the second customer was allowed in."

  19. 32
    Linda Ward

    I don't like taking any meds, even OTC, but when I've been hit with a certain kind of illness/congestion i'll break down and buy some. And it works, they're full of shit. Huge difference before taking it and afterward. I know I've used Nyquil, probably sudafed, liquid kinds.

  20. 33
    Thomas Marshall

    Benadryl is diphenhydramine. It should not have been mentioned in your segment. Diphenhydramine is effective and provides symptomatic relief for people with sinusitis, head colds, and allergies. It is not a subject of this study, and should not have been mentioned in this news piece.

  21. 36
    K B

    If you don’t eat processed foods , Nettles tea would probably take care of your seasonal allergies.

  22. 45
    Jacob Holt

    Your drug aisle just got a little smaller. We have better information today than we did yesterday, even after several years of placebo product.

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