What does Wagner’s influence look like after Prigozhin’s death?

CNN’s Clarissa Ward visits the Central African Republic after the death of Warner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin. The Wagner group held a good deal of power in the CAR before Prigozhin died. Ward sees what their influence looks like now. #CNN #News

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  1. 3
    Никита Кожемяка

    На его помощника было проведено покушение, в его руках взорвалась флешка начиненная взрывчаткой. Человека покалечили, но он выжил и будет продолжать работать. Хрен вам во всё лицо!

  2. 7
    Resolver Resolver

    God bless Wagner nd Russia,Glory to Russia nd Wagner in jesus mighty Name amen,the Cause and foundations of the war is Italy and France Paris, America Napolitano,Napoli,Taranto,Torino,sardinia.Rome:;;,,,*,??

  3. 8
    joep meloen

    I'm searching, but where are all the reports about Maui?
    Where are all the CNN investigations into the Maui fires?
    Why is this human disaster being ignored by CNN?

  4. 10

    haha that ladies answers were so rediculous. literally answered nothing and made it so obvious that she's got something nefarious going on. be better at your cover up.

  5. 11

    Cooper is the same dude that spread misinformation about Libya during the NATO fueled war, making us hate Libya, we ain't trusting him now

  6. 13
    Gary Portman

    Wagner is a Terrorist Organization. They hacked into US 2016 elections, they murdered many people in Ukraine, their symbol is a hatchet, which was shown often in the headquarters in Moscow. Why are their people covered up in masks. If you're innocent, why are you hiding?????

  7. 19
    Josh Rahn

    Clarissa Ward has bigger balls than me. So much respect. No fear, holy crap. She earns every dime she makes. Incredible journalism.

  8. 21
    S Kh

    France has been mining uranium and other minerals in Niger for 50 years, but the country is still the poorest in Africa. The United States, France and other European countries are exposing Africa as a colony. They pump out all the resources from it, and the locals are not given anything because of which they are starving. Africans are fighting for their freedom against the Western regime and the United States.

  9. 24
    Rossana Carrow

    Looks like Wagner is loved and the French are despised. He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  10. 26

    ATTN: Ukraine has made public a KILL LIST with Americans names on it!! YOU FOLKS ARE BEING LIED TO DAILY!! YOU ARE NOT BEING TOLD THE TRUTH ABOUT UKRAINE, CHINA, MAUI, E. PALESTINE, NATO'S RELUCTANCE ON UKRAINE (see Jens Stoltenberg NATO'S Secretary General speech yesterday) the TRUTH about the border crisis about Chinese nat'ls and Middle Easterners coming in. PLEASE!! Be your own press!! Biden and Zelinsky are trying to get the US into WWIII with Russia. Zelinsky has no one left to fight, and is wanting the US to send our young people to fight. PLEASE!! Put political differences aside!! We need to UNITE instead of fighting amongst ourselves. There is a REASON they are not showing these things!! PLEASE!!

  11. 30
    David R. Stone

    🆘 Shame on lying fake news media outlets pushing bad political agendas so constantly and so subtly that it’s hard not to subconsciously take in at least a few of the false ideas they normalize. If you want to effect them just stop watching them. High viewing Ratings is how they set prices for Ads so if there Nielsen ratings drop so does their Ad $revenues$. I stopped watching all of them years ago and so have thousands of Americans. Remember the truth never changes; it is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Liberals hate the truth.

  12. 31

    @cnn your report is very baised, you make it look as if Africa countries that America, France and other west powers are in are very prosperous, which is not the case. That is why the is a growing anti western sentiment in Africa. If you guys don't change you may loose Africa because of your hypocrisy

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