US intel: Hezbollah could be getting Russian missile system

The US has intelligence that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has agreed to provide the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah with a Russian-made missile defense system. Oren Liebermann explains what the missile system means for the Israel-Hamas war. CNN’s Jim Sciutto reports on how seriously Israel is taking threats from Hezbollah ahead of a speech from Hassan Nasrallah. #CNN #News

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  1. 2

    Breaking news, the colonial settler racist theocratic entity Israhell has been receiving weapons, munitions, and billions from the U.S. and Europe. So what if Russia is supplying the oppressed freedom fighters with weapons.

  2. 8

    If Israel can get weapon from USA to protect themselves, then Lebanon & Palestinian have the right to get weapon from Russia to protect themselves. Because everyone has the right to protect himself.

  3. 10

    The information just keeps coming and coming… I think they talk too much in causing a lot of misinformation because bullets cost money and someone has to pay for them. Keep adding garbage to the fire. No one really knows what is burning. The rich take no credit, only if money and property is involved.

    And might I add "Erin looks stunning as usual".

  4. 14

    Выборы США – бесплатный ЦИРК.
    Это каким дураком надо быть, что бы запретить обсуждать выборы, хотя, это слово не годится для педиков, скорее шопинг в политику с черным при черным днем, где 550 американских моральных уродов выбирают в президенты 551. Смешно и грустно. Грустно что народ Америки ведется на этот обман, и думает, что он учавствует в выборах. Ибо богатая власть обманным методом, предвыборной компанией, держит пучок сена перед мордой осла.
    Это надо быть какими деградатами подсчитывать голоса умерших людей. А вообще то Америка – нация мировых бандитов. Источник мирового терроризма. ПОРА СИДЕТЬ НА СКАМЬЕ ПОДСУДИМЫХ, А НЕ ВЫБОРЫ УСТРАИВАТЬ СРЕДИ ПРЕСТУПНИКОВ. Да, и США не думайте, что ядерное оружие спасет вас от краха. От мирового презрения. Гнилая подлость на лжи на века отложится в памяти всех народов. СЧИТАЙ ВЫ ПРОФУКАЛИ СТРАНУ С ЖАЛКИМ 300 ЛЕТНИМ СУЩЕСТВОВАНИИ. ДОСТАТОК КОТОРЫЙ ИМЕЛИ НА ГОРЕ ДРУГИХ ЛЮДЕЙ. СЧИТАЙТЕ, ЧТО ВПРОК ВАМ ЭТО НЕ ПОШЛО. И ВЫ ИСЧЕЗНИТЕ ВНЕЗАПНО, КАК И ПОЯВИЛИСЬ НА БЕРЕГАХ АМЕРИКИ ПОД ПАРУСАМИ. ВИРУС , КОТОРЫЙ СОЖРАЛ САМ СЕБЯ. Фу до чего противный люд у власти США, который держит в полицейском терроре свой народ.

  5. 18

    What the world must know clearly now… is “the Israeli occupation’s continuous false claims to justify its crimes in Gaza.”
    If the occupation says that it has not besieged Gaza, the correct news will be that the occupation is “besieging Gaza.”
    If the occupation said that it did not kill children and women, the correct news would be that the occupation kills children and women.
    If the occupation said that Hamas is using civilians as human shields, the correct news would be “that the occupation is using civilians as human shields.”
    We must know that the occupation has paid millions of dollars to all media outlets to spread its lies and promote false news and allegations in order to justify its crimes and the massacre committed against Palestinian civilians in Gaza, and so that the world remains silent.

  6. 23

    Ukrainian troops use white phosphorus to destroy nature reserve
    Those who control them are the United States and England and this is an indication that both will be able to use nuclear weapons if the world does not want to pay their debts so that they can maintain their way of life!

  7. 24

    There is something wrong with CNN. It stinks as bad as US POLIticians who are all brought off. What the hell happened to our world. You sound gleeful covering this horror of war crimes. They hang Saddam Hussain for less than Israel is doing here. People see you all. We have open media these days, not your bias reporting

  8. 27


    This reminds me about a day years ago about 14 years we were three friends in a place in Alexandria Egypt called El Montaza this a place were lots of gardens, tress and play grounds we have had a ball with us and we decided to play football as we found a football play ground with 2 goals but we r in need of a fourth player.. fourtanetly a small kid wanted to join, at that day I was about 22 years old and the other 2 friends were near in my age and the small kid was about 10 or 11 years.. I and the small kid made a team infront of the 2 other adults😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the game started till the other team of adults😂😂😂😂 asked for a break 😂😂😂😂😂 and the result of the first half about 6:0 😂😂😂😂😂 a big Zero for the adults and the small kid had scored goals😂😂😂😂 but the most interesting thing is the reason why the team of the adults asked for a break?!!!!!!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 The reason was one of the 2 adults Mohamed Mahmoud was very imparessed of the score that he wanted to train a little bit😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 with Mohamed Ashraf 😂😂😂 that he took him and they started to run😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 a round the play ground that was surrounded with a high wire fense that we I and the kid were sitting inside on the ground having some rest and the 2 of those adults😂😂😂😂😂😂 were running around us in a very nervous way😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 that doesn't make any sense.. and hadn't changed anything Mohamed Ashraf like an animal had tried to push the small kid on the ground many times out of his anger.. and at the end the match ended little kid and I vs Elkomy and Ashraf about 11:1😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  9. 31

    Brazil! After meeting Bolsonaro, the Israeli ambassador irritates Itamaraty's MRE and raises tension with Planalto!
    All this Israeli conspiratorial work is from a very ancient, recurring people and well known throughout humanity! And I wasn't the one who said that Hitler and Trotsky were Jews.

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