White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Sunday abruptly ended a news conference with President Joe Biden in Hanoi, Vietnam, at one point taking a microphone and announcing the event had concluded.
#CNN #news
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Sunday abruptly ended a news conference with President Joe Biden in Hanoi, Vietnam, at one point taking a microphone and announcing the event had concluded.
#CNN #news
Why would you ever trust a democrat
Let’s go Brandon!!
Biden is a horrible president. THANK THE YOUNG PEOPLE THAT GOTBIDEN ELECTED. And didno research on Biden.They dont know him.Hes a scumbag and a kronic lier.
His age doesn't bother me. It is his mental condition that scares me.
CNN the DNC brown-nose channel
What a complete sycophant this guest is. "Not really a big deal"?? Yikes! Actually, this was a horrible moment for President Biden, and for our country as well.
This is your fault. This is supposed to be one of the most mentally strenuous jobs in the country. It’s obvious he was too old in 2020, yet you guys supported him instead of other perfectly capable democrats in the primary.
釋迦 觀音 大通山王對佛教的自我檢討與無量自覺覺他佛=我之答覆
觀音:天界雖然福報大 但是煩惱一樣很多
我答:定功 定境 定力之故
釋迦:雖然我們都只有一個身體 但每個人思想都不同 而且無限 為什麼?
我答:父母給予我們一部份=我們身體 我們來自於無限 之所以不能同時一時間想十件事情是因為我們只有一個主體=身體 所以我們來自於絕對空無&絕對實有 我們=DELTA 這也是為什麼言論自由&財富自由&人身自由 =自由&TRUE LOVE一定要保障 絕對不能剝奪=因為我們是DELTA 但平等可以犧牲的緣故=因為我們是DELTA
Joe Rob Ballots is Renfield of Communist Socialism Nazi Beijing Xi Jinping , He was went to met VC Nguyen Phu Trong is Slave Loyal of Satan Communist Socialism Chinazi.
What Will Happen for AMERICA.
Was that something on his nose..
… I'm just kidding around , I thought it was gravy but it'. ..s not
Biden is nothen more then a puppet
Don't get traction on their own?
Have you met the internet?!
He was understandably exhausted. The war in Israel is a humanitarian disaster and doubtless he's been heavily preoccupied by it. That said, the presidency is too demanding a job for people who can't function unless they are well-rested. Biden does look frail and an assessment of his physical fitness for the demands of his office will be done by the voters if not by the Democrat leadership. They can't afford to screw this up. Too much at stake.
Aww CNN cut most of video. His rambling was something out of this world

The issue is that if there is any other Republican in the Whitehouse, they will not be able to rectify the damage that the third term of Baracks' American hatred policy.
Niki Haley is a neo-con war monger, she may as well be a Democrat.
4 years of peace under Trump. Now WW3 with Biden.
He mentally shutdown and they won't even point that out! Dnc bias for ua.
Notice how they only showed part of the video! Lol
Crisis at are Texas boarder! Do News on that!!!
John McCain memorial in Hanoi?
Why would the Vietnamese build a memorial for a guy who bombed their capital city????
That's a memorial for the Vietnamese people who shot down McCain's bomber jet!!!
What a joke of a puppet this man is.
po jo my puerto rican neighbor or was it jewish couldnt make it out im not joking
The corrupt Joe Biden being hipocrite with Vietnam