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  1. 9

    Finally. Speak the truth. Shame of you ! You help this killing with the propaganda to portrait Palestinian like terrorist without the right to defend their self.

  2. 12

    Any fact checking on this? Oh wait its a Palestinian so there is no need. CNN assumes everything they say is true. Hamas controls all media in Gaza. Don't believe any of it.

  3. 16

    Ukrainian troops use white phosphorus to destroy nature reserve
    Those who control them are the United States and England and this is an indication that both will be able to use nuclear weapons if the world does not want to pay their debts so that they can maintain their way of life!

  4. 19

    Your denial is disgusting
    In your opinion what can wipe out entire buildings in a second ?
    Israeli ministers are calling Palestinians human animals
    Are you blind and deaf what is wrong with you
    Israel is committing genocide with the help of the United states government

  5. 22

    Brazil! After meeting Bolsonaro, the Israeli ambassador irritates Itamaraty's MRE and raises tension with Planalto!

    All this Israeli conspiratorial work is from a very ancient, recurring people and well known throughout humanity! And I wasn't the one who said that Hitler and Trotsky were Jews.

  6. 23

    I am so sad for your great and deep loss. This is unimaginable, calling for incredible and courageous strength. God Bless you and the family members remaining and for all the departed souls.

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