Judge to Trump’s face: You’re going on trial in March

The first-ever criminal trial of a former president will begin March 25th. At a hearing in New York City in the hush money case brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the judge swiftly denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the 34 felony counts against him. The ex-president was in attendance. Former top prosecutor at the Department of Justice Andrew Weissmann, Former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade, MSNBC Legal Correspondent Lisa Rubin and Former RNC chairman Michael Steele join MSNBC’s Alicia Menendez.
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  1. 2

    I love the Hutzpah of delaying-delaying-delaying, AND THEN, when the delay thing no longer works, claiming that the timing is inconvenient regarding trump's ability to do his Klan Rallies…
    Dude, YOU could have finished this matter up months (or years) ago, by just going straight to trial.
    Heck, if you'd just plead guilty in the first place, you'd probably be out of prison by now. Your Fault, Sweetie.

  2. 4

    Fun fact, Biden handed BOTH the two top jobs of the American judiciary system to GOPpers from the start of his term and NOBODY in the mainstream media even brought it up.
    ZERO raised eyebrows. After a GOP-driven coup attempt no less.
    Biden should – and could – have put all the Jan 6 organizers behind bars immediately after Jan 6.
    Instead, he kept grooming Trump so Mar-A-Lardo could serve as his boogeyman in the election.
    Same mindset as Hillary 2016, only worse cause dereliction of their sworn, holiest duty:
    To protect democracy in America.

  3. 5

    That is way too late, if he gets elected he will declare himself untoutchable and dictator of America.

    Every him/herself claiming American MUST VOTE AGAINST TRUMP.

  4. 8


    Counting the Dead: Estimating the Loss of Life in

    the Indigenous Holocaust, 1492-Present

    David Michael Smith

    University of Houston-Downtown:

    During the past century, researchers have learned a great deal about the nature and

    scope of what Russell Thornton has called the demographic collapse of the Indigenous

    population in the Western Hemisphere after 1492.1 As David Stannard has explained, the

    almost inconceivable number of deaths caused by the invasion and conquest of these lands

    by Europeans and their descendants constitute “the worst human holocaust the world had

    ever witnessed.”2 Scholars have long had reliable information on the size of the Indigenous

    population in this hemisphere and this country at its nadir around the turn of the twentieth

    century. And in recent decades, investigators have developed a range of estimates of the

    Native population in the Western Hemisphere before 1492. Researchers have also amassed

    considerable knowledge about the role of diseases, wars, genocidal violence, enslavement,

    forced relocations, the destruction of food sources, the devastation of ways of life,

    declining birth rates, and other factors in the Indigenous Holocaust.3 This paper draws on

    the work of Russell Thornton, David Stannard, and other scholars in attempting to count

    the dead—that is, in developing informed and reasonable, if very rough, estimates of the

    total loss of Indigenous lives caused by colonialism in the Western Hemisphere and in what

    is today the United States of America. Although this analysis is inevitably grim and

    saddening, there is much to be gained by understanding the most sustained loss of life in

    human history—both for people living today and for future generations.

    At the turn of the twentieth century, the total number of Native inhabitants living

    in the entire Western Hemisphere had declined to 4-4.5 million.4

    In 1800, only about

    600,000 Indigenous people remained in the coterminous United States.5 By 1900, the

    Indigenous population in this country reached its lowest point of about 237,000 people.6

    The size of the Indigenous population in the hemisphere and this country then began to

    grow again and has increased appreciably during the past century. Today about 70 million

    Indigenous people live in the Western Hemisphere.7 There are now approximately 7.25

    million American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians in the U.S.8

    In view of

    the historically unprecedented and unspeakably tragic depopulation that unfolded after

    1492, the survival of Indigenous people is truly extraordinary. However, even today the

    legacy of invasion, conquest, and colonialism continues to exact a terrible human toll.

    Serious scholarly investigations into the size of the Indigenous population in the

    Western Hemisphere before 1492 began early in the twentieth century. In 1924, Paul Rivet

    estimated that between 40 and 50 million people lived in the hemisphere before the

    8 Counting the Dead

    Indigenous Holocaust began. 9 That same year, Karl Sapper also estimated the Indigenous

    population in the hemisphere to be between 40 and 50 million.10 Both Rivet and Sapper

    later revised their estimates downward to about 15.5 million and 31 million respectively.11

    In 1939, Alfred Kroeber developed a much lower estimate of only 8.4 million for the entire

    hemisphere.12 In 1964, Woodrow Borah announced a much larger estimate of “upwards of

    100 million” Native inhabitants.13 Two years later, Henry Dobyns estimated the Indigenous

    population of the hemisphere to be between 90 million and 112.5 million.14 In 1976,

    William Denevan estimated the Indigenous population at between 43 and 72 million, the

    mid-point of which is more than 57 million.15 In 1987, Thornton provided an estimate of

    about 75 million.16 The following year, Dobyns revised his estimate significantly upward

    to 145 million.17 In 1992, Stannard estimated the original population of the hemisphere at

    about 100 million.18

    Researchers have also developed various estimates for the pre-1492 population of

    the lands that today make up the coterminous United States. In 1910, James Mooney

    estimated this population at about 846,000. He later revised his estimate to more than

    879,000.19 In 1939, Kroeber suggested that this population was only about 720,000 before

    the Europeans arrived.20 In 1976, Douglas Ubelaker estimated that the original population

    of the coterminous United States was more than 1.85 million.21 In 1981, Thornton and his

    co-author Joan Marsh-Thornton developed an estimate of 1.845 million, which was very

    close to Ubelaker’s.22 As Thornton later explained, this estimate was based on the

    assumption that the pattern of depopulation between 1492 in 1800 had been linear, i.e. “in

    a straight line.” But further research convinced him that the demographic collapse of the

    Indigenous population in the present-day coterminous U.S. was “a more severe downward

    curve.” Thornton revised his earlier finding and concluded that this population numbered

    more than 5 million in 1492.23 And he estimated that another 2 million Native people lived

    in what is today Canada, Alaska, and Greenland at that time.24 In 1992, Stannard estimated

    that between 8 and 12 million Indigenous people lived in North America north of presentday Mexico.25 In 2014, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz suggested that about 15 million Indigenous

    people lived in what became the continental U.S.

    Counting the Dead 11

    In addition to the deadly impact of diseases, wars, and genocide, Thornton has

    emphasized that many Indigenous nations in what is today the United States were

    “removed, relocated, dispersed, concentrated, or forced to migrate at least once after

    contact with Europeans or Americans.”47 And he has observed that the forced removal of

    over 100,000 Indigenous people to areas west of the Mississippi River during the first half

    of the nineteenth century directly resulted in significant loss of life.48 Moreover, such

    removals and relocations destroyed Indigenous people’s ways of life, which resulted in

    substantial additional loss of life.49 Other devastating assaults on these ways of life


    the Spanish missions in California, Florida, and Texas; the U.S.

    government’s attempts to make Plains Indians into cattle ranchers and

    southern Indians into American farmers…efforts by churches and

    governments to undermine Indian religious, governmental, and kinship

    systems… the often-deliberate destructions of flora and fauna that

    American Indians used for food and other purposes…the near extinction of

    the buffalo…50

    Widespread starvation and malnutrition, the deleterious effects of forced labor, alcoholism,

    demoralization and despair, declining fertility, and other factors also contributed to the

    Indigenous Holocaust.51

  5. 10

    Sleepless nights for you Trumpy Dumbty! You seem to have forgotten the difference between a leader and a manager. I thought you knew the difference because of your MBA background and your intelligence. Looks like you forgot!

  6. 12

    The seriousness of these charges about hush money stems from many branches–falsifying documents; concealing the source of the funds; etc.–but the most important is that it was his first attempt to steal an election by concealing from the voting public some facts that he knew to be revelatory about him as a presidential candidate.

  7. 15

    The trial will not start on that date. He owns the scotus judges and they'll step in and do his bidding as soon as he calls on them to do so.

  8. 25

    Thanks be he will in court instead of with t-zombies, in Texas or Florida, or some other red state political hellscape. Should be prison; but I will take it.

  9. 35

    Supreme Court already defined Trump as being guilty of insurrection so we don't need the House of Representatives what we do need is the Senate because the Senate determines the punishment the punishment is 14 three in the constitution if they don't agree to use 14 three, they would be aiding insurrectionist and that's a crime

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