‘He’s playing with fire’: Former DOJ official on Trump’s intimidation tactics interference case

According to prosecutors with special counsel Jack Smith’s office, former President Donald Trump’s public statements about the federal election interference investigation led to the harassment of witnesses. Former principal deputy assistant attorney general under George W. Bush Tom Dupree discusses with CNN’s Jake Tapper. #CNN #News

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  1. 4

    Totally agree this is election inference against Trump and a threat to democracy. This is called freedom of speech.

  2. 5
    Dave Don

    Let AI take over. Humans show characteristics such as fear, empathy, intimidation and harassment. This obviously affects the ability to make decisions. AI will ignore all distractions and make judgments based on the law. I don’t understand why no one is capable of telling 45 to stop harassing witnesses and take action to stop that.

  3. 10

    Listen carefully to what the reporter is saying shortly after point 1.30. "Now they are saying that MAYBE…". Yes, you heard it right …, "MAYBE some of the people he (Trump) has talked about, they are receiving threats … '"

    I love how CNN reports what they want you to think but has to cover it with a MAYBE. I can't believe CNN listeners are still wasting their time tuning into this. The comments indicate they are as blind as bats just as they have been in the past.

    This is one of the worst pieces of news reporting I have ever heard but it gives us a chance to see how CNN slips in their comments and tries to create a narrative while playing it safe by covering with the word "MAYBE". That is a total disgrace. I would rather quit my job than be involved in that kind of reporting

  4. 11

    Now the latest in the United States that we've been hearing about for the past several weeks or months is that Donald Trump cannot speak freely. Is this the United States of America or are they trying to brainwash people into believing that we no longer have freedom of speech in this country? Some of the young ones growing up may buy it, but I would think that even CNN wouldn't fall for this tripe! This way to the gulag ‼️

  5. 12
    Rob McCurdy

    Why don't we talk about when mobs of people show up at the homes of conservative supreme court judges to frightening them into making certain decisions?

  6. 14
    Lydia Dillen

    Lock him up if this was anyone else they would be in jail He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  7. 15
    Bruno Balcorta

    I hope I live long enough to see at least some of the people who voted for that man regretting the damage they did. He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  8. 16
    Jimmy Graham

    Trump has proven without a shadow of doubts ,that Richie Rich can do anything he wants, even play America like a fiddle..And the law or cops might be intimidated along with the weak kneed politicians..Bowing to prestige,privilege and power only..Forget about the suckers that hired those politicians…The voters steal elections and votes..Not true world…We better than that BS….😳

  9. 17
    Amado Willi

    The jury needs to be sequestered and safely viewing the trial behind a mirrored glass enclosed jury section. He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  10. 19


  11. 21
    Melody Buchmiller

    Hasn't he already been warned over and over again. Unless they put Trump in jail hes gonna continue this behavior He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  12. 22
    Rita Kervin

    Hasn't he already been warned over and over again. Unless they put Trump in jail hes gonna continue this behavior He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  13. 23
    Jayne Clattenburg

    Hasn't he already been warned over and over again. Unless they put Trump in jail hes gonna continue this behavior He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  14. 24
    Fred Martinez

    But it's OK to intimidate Trump with the media, DOJ, FBI and judges they apoint right in our face while they point there finger say that's what he is doing.

  15. 25
    Moon Ellerbee

    Hasn't he already been warned over and over again. Unless they put Trump in jail hes gonna continue this behavior He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  16. 26
    Aracely Fredenburg

    Hasn't he already been warned over and over again. Unless they put Trump in jail hes gonna continue this behavior He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  17. 27

    Trump is THE most dangerous man in America. Maybe in the world. Worse than Putin, Kim, or any other tyrant that ever lived.
    Remember he is a former AMERICAN president.Never, never in our history, has a former president attempted to overthrow our own democracy. NEVER!

    Trump will be written in history books this way and his Legacy will alway reflect his cowardice. Worse the Nixon.

  18. 28
    Dianne Cherrie

    Hasn't he already been warned over and over again. Unless they put Trump in jail hes gonna continue this behavior He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  19. 29
    Aubrey Terres

    Hasn't he already been warned over and over again. Unless they put Trump in jail hes gonna continue this behavior He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  20. 30
    Cost Control Accounting

    Screw the judge who has grossly overstepped any authority he actually has. As a Democrat I am going to vote straight ticket Republican, my party has become Marxists who need to be destroyed.

  21. 31
    Keneth Oba

    Hasn't he already been warned over and over again. Unless they put Trump in jail hes gonna continue this behavior He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

  22. 33
    ED McGeman

    Donald Trump has no respect for any laws, moral conduct and decency and until he is treated just like any criminal, the impunity only emboldens him to do disrespect the laws and institutions of this country

  23. 36
    AMQ 1


  24. 39
    Gale Debusk

    Lock him up. He’s way overdue. Gosh, when will this country ever learn. He sounds like a child pleading to his mother how well behaved he was and such a good boy

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