CNN’s Dana Bash speaks with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) about Israel’s response to the Hamas attack, and what the next steps should be for Gaza. #CNN #News
Hear what Bernie Sanders thinks about Israel’s response to Hamas attack
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Berni Sanders has no clue to what it is like to fight a enemy that has multiple tunnels to entrench themself.
This old coot still alive….
The pied piper of progressive millennials. He thanks you for his 15 million dollar portfolio.
Donate to the Chromogen fund?
Bernie has integrity and speaks the truth. “This has nothing do with me….” compare and contrast with trump.
If Trump would've won the next election he would not deport the Muslims he'll make them get along with both LGBT people, Jews and Christians and that's why I don't blame him. He may have no plans visiting other countries but what he would do is lower the gas rates, focus on the homeless problems, stop antisemtism and fixing America's economy.
Your going to hell Bernie
This lady is a shame for humanity
Shame on Biden,American.American and Democracy in America And the United Nations to veto resolutions to End the war in Gaza.
Why not make him the president and fix this problems?
Terrible interview from that Lady
Wait. So the protests turned into insurrections?! Did they enter the offices of the senators?
Agree with Bernie.
Can’t believe CNN is so cold and has no empathy
This "news person" is an awful interviewer. She is always shallow and not courteous to the guests. Terrible newscaster.
You are right! You’re nowhere close to an expert. Go back and study your history! Tell Hamas to stop using the Palestinian children, schools and hospitals as their shields. How dare you judge!!
J’en veux depuis longtemps aux États Unis de nous avoir contaminés avec leur show politique.
La médiocrité de leurs médias et l’infantilisation des gens.
Aujourd’hui, l’élève « français » a largement dépassé l’enseignant « américain ».
Et, en vous suivant de plus en plus, j'ai le sentiment que les médias et le peuple américain redeviennent un peu plus éclairés.
Ou peut-être est-ce mon pays qui devient de plus en plus obscur…. ?
Qu'en penses-tu ?
I have long been angry with the Union States for having contaminated us with their show politics.
The mediocrity of their media and the infantilization of people.
Today the “France” student has far surpassed the “US” teacher.
And, following you more and more, I have the feeling that the media and the American people are becoming a little more enlightened again.
Or maybe it's my country that is becoming more and more obscure….?
What do you think ?
Bernie Sanders is a coward and a failure. Israel is committing genocide and he doesn't want to "quibble with words." Joe Biden is complicit in genocide and all he can say is "Trump would be worse." There is literally no bottom to the bankrupt philosophy of the "lesser of two evils."
Such a politician…what he says is fluffy and warm, but there is no proposed solution. This guy lives in the clouds.
I dont see how he could have stated it any better. Good grief.
Why don,t you address the genocide thats been going on since 1948 . Mr Sanders get real . The international community needs to insist on Israel. Hamas brutality is reaction to all the brutality and killing by Israel for 75 years
Bernie is so damn good.
The western media are
Notice hes independent now since dnc screwed him twice :v
Sanders is correct, Israel is worse than Hamas
You and I both know that Israel isn't killing civilians Bernie. Hamas uses their people as human shields. One day you will come to this truth on your own.
Wow, every CNN reporter every Fox reporter take the ward and twisted to IsraelIs side 6000 and 300 child 15,000 old man and woman being killed 45,000 injured pay attention Christian churches been destroyed hospital being destroyed 265 doctors and nurses 250 reporter being killed 50 medical transportation be destroyed, no water, no food no medication no gasoline for 2.2 million people for two The IDF on the Prime Minister of Israel, the war criminal and everybody support him with money and weapons. we need to stop for our unlimited fund and weapons from our Congress and President to the IDF. It’s amazing how Control our government hundred percent. And now we’re given another 14 billion for Israel taxpayer stop you said it stop your Congress from giving your taxpayers money away to war criminals can babies and woman do not believe anyone of them for serve depends as well been killing Christian and Marsden Palestinian for 75 years And always been lying to us lying to the taxpayer and give them our money and our Congress senate and president controlled by the Israeli hundred percent. None of them can speak against as well. They will lose their job same thing media but not the American taxpayer. Thanks a lot of videos on YouTube will show you how does Israeli treat the American people American preacher they treat us like criminals or no respect if you don’t believe me, Google it Christian people quit sending you text money to destroy churches
If harm came into an area I lived in….I would not just sit back, and let it happen!!
Dried up, shriveled lil sniveling coward!
If Bernie was our president we would be better off socially, economically, internationally
This guy is just a lunatic….. wth, I thought he had died a long time ago
The host should stop interrupting Bernie. Terrible, asking idiotic questions.
Who is this freaking lady who always support Israel terrorists? All her program is to support Israel no matter what and condemn Palestine. This is the reason people has no trust on this fake journalism.
Dana , I am really disappointed about you saying the reason why Israel said no food, no water, no medical supplies and no fuel so these supplies do not reach Hamas. Are you saying 2.3 million innocent people should die because 1200 innocent Jewish people were killed? How about the suffering of the Palestinians by the apartheid regime of Israel , the settlers crimes and the daily killing of innocent Palestinians in the West Bank.
Get to know the Truth about the problem before you ask the wrong questions. I will not watch CNN if they start acting like Fox News.
-How does Israel fight Hamas without killing innocent people?
-I don’t know.
“This is a very complex conflict”
Really?? Everyone knows that.
I don’t really know what he’d do if he was Head of State. I don’t even know if HE knows.
The issue that is complicating things for the State of Israel, is determining who is Jewish .That question has been asked as many people claim to be Jews or Rabaais, and yet denounce the homeland .My answer is simple most of these activists are either backslidden Jews or pseudo conscripts ,Jews are monotheistic they believe in one God. Deuteronomy 6:4 Jews are not Deists neither, do they believe in Polytheism nor are they Pantheistic .
Marches for a cease-fire?
Why do you have to call these protests "pro-Palestinian"? Couldn't you call them anti-massacre protests?
Biden is making a mistake here for 2024. By not coming out and drmanding a ceasr fire
What survey have you taken that says most American think that thud war is justified.
Tell the truth. Thousands of people all over the world are protesting this war.
Bernie has always been the realest one. They tried to say the reason he wasn’t president is because of his age. Yet we have senile Joe asleep at the wheel. It’s because Bernie doesn’t bullshit and play politics he just says it like it is. Both sides are in bed with companies for money. Bernie wants to go after greedy corporations and billionaires. He’s for the people!
Nobody cares what that socialist bastard thinks.
Those thousands and thousands of 'innocent' civilians voted in Hamas as their leaders. Hundreds of people lined up in the street to spit and kick a young girls corpse that Hamas dragged down the road. They killed 1500 or more people just like you and I , going about their business of every day life, alot of them children. How can you defend this?