First Look: iPhone 15 goes to USB-C

We got a first look at the new iPhone 15 and 15 Plus. There are a ton of new features but the big news is iPhone has officially gone to USB-C.

Check out our full review here:

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  1. 1
    Kimberly 🏳️‍🌈

    I would never buy the top of the line current gen. Rather wait a year or two and get it for a good price. Not like phones struggle to run apps these days.

  2. 4

    OMGoodness gracious sakes alive! The iPhone 15 is using USB-C!!! The world is about to END! Apple is actually conforming! 😱🙄About time. 🙃😆😂🤣

  3. 5

    Apple f'ed around and lost any chance of getting me as a customer. Should have listened to customers years ago. Now you spend money to learn what we have been telling you all along. Screw Apple

  4. 8

    I waited launching the iphone15 because i promised my mom to give it for birthday gift. Her birthday was already past but then a latest iphone was 14 so i asked her "what do you want 14 or 15? But it will lauch after september." She wanted new iphone.
    Finally, it lauched and had informed a price of it.
    She sent me a message. "It is too expensive. My phone is very clean and has not problem to use. I don‘t need it"
    But i would give her it!

  5. 14
    Hunt clips

    Does it have a switch for privacy? And “only a phone” mode? When it powers off, does the data collection stop? As of now, these things record your farts an speech at night. You think turning it off fixes it. Nope. Can you remove the battery? Why is apple allowed? Oh, they are charging you too. Let me ask you, would you let a stranger in your home, hand him the family scrap book, and let him use the bathroom for 15 minutes? Is there a way to completely block permission prompts? Is the terms of service boiled down to less then 500 words an understandable by someone with an average iq an level of knowledge of law? Does this freaking device spy on people? Do peoples get ads from their private conversations in their home because their phone listened to them? Corporate america needs a reboot.

  6. 20

    What they don't realize is that 5 days from now, people are gonna start playing their Nintendo Switches on their iPads. Maybe…

  7. 24

    I bet people will still get on line for this phone! They just keep making the cameras better. Im not a photographer. Lol.

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