CNN’s Phil Mattingly talks to US Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith about former President Donald Trump’s contentious NATO comments and what his stance on NATO has been through the years. #CNN #News
CNN resurfaces 1987 clip of Trump criticizing NATO
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I understand that but the problem with that no we cannot do that when Donald Trump have issues like that before really person as a person work for national security yeah we cannot allow that that would be different
This ladies and gentlemen is what propaganda looks like. I don't care what side of the line you fall on, but the overarching absolute blatant and complete and total misuse and truth twisting at its highest level, do some research before you believe anything these new stations spew.
the function of NATO is to take YOUR tax dollars, and give them to someone else. Nothing more. TIme to phase it out.
I fully agree with Trump statement except with one thing: other NATO nations should not pay a cent to the alliance because they are vassal states keeping the US empire strong.
he was right then and he is right now
"She says the Vast Majority were inching closer."
That is falling short by any measure! Not good enough, stop Sugar coating things! Every Country in the Alliance should be hitting that 2 percent mark without reservation.
Trump is consistent and stands by his words
Trump 2024 believe that
Why don't you show the clips of many years ago where Joe Biden said he didn't know why Balck behaved the way they were with respect to Criminality? Please think of something else CNN
CNN just stop we see you mean nothing but harm to America. You create division and weaponize your platform. American First! Anti-War!
There you have it. Trump is older, and is in physical decline, which is affecting his speech. But he's not in mental decline. He has always been an idiot, and he has always been a jerk.
In foreign affairs, Trump is the most ignorant and dangerous politician there is.
We Brits lost twice as many people in Afghanistan fighting for the US than we lost defending the Falklands from invasion. We never sent a bill.
NATO is good for us all
Do they keep these clips in a back room labeled back up plan? Lmao try again
CNN fake news
He said if u dont pay your bills, how we can pay yours??
Just common sense.
Thank you for showing how consistent Trump is! This man can be trusted because he means what he says!
Fuk nato
Fuk Nato
Yeah well truth hurts. We print money and give it away. Then americans have to deal with inflation and increased taxes.