Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) points out that the committee’s GOP chairman, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) never complied with his subpoena from the House select committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol. #CNN #News
‘Are you kidding me?!’: Lawmaker calls out Jim Jordan at hearing
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The remarkable stupidity and arrogance of Jim Jordan and other Republican extremists is off the charts. Total hypocrisy and entitlement as well as being traitors
Yes the Republicans are Not serious
Finally some one reminds traitor Jim he ducked Jan 6th subpoena. This hearing was a GOP scam run by Trump ass kissers who are traitors to the constitution.
Hope he runs for President soon
"The GOP hypocrisy knows no bounds. Speaker McCarthy, Jim Jordan, and other Republicans defied Jan 6 congressional subpoenas themselves, yet somehow they have the gall to expect the FBI and DOJ to provide them with info about ongoing, confidential investigations?! You made your own subpoenas worthless."
~ (D) Rep. Dan Goldman
Swalwell is awesome.
Turn this CRAP off
Swallwell is such a loser
Smalwell was sleeping with a Chinese spy and lied his ass off about it. That is a FACT. How this guy smalwell is still in Congress is a crime. He has NO CREDIBILITY.
Someone should always have that Jim Jordan subpoena day counter on every committee gatherings.
Mr. Swalwell is the voice of truth and clarity! At least we can see someone with some integrity call out the slug that is ji jordan. Jordan is willing to sacrifice his country on the altar of donald trump. What an embarrassment jordan is!
Schiff is the biggest liar in America and Biden taught him
Finally!!!! Someone called them out!
Jordan, what a coward. What an embarrassment to the Congress of the US
Corruption on full display. Just like the Whigs and Masons in the past. Just like both previous organizations, the GOP needs to go the way of the Dodo.
Well said Rep. Eric Swalwell. I would put it more bluntly. Jim Jordan is a scumbag. Why would anybody take him seriously.
They remind of a preacher, do as I preach and not as I live!
If proven in court not news then trump gets what he gets.
Hunter. Same dam thing. From his mouth. He sold his dad. Biden admitted about tax payers money.
I’m sorry but this Biden this is a disgrace
President Trump Wins Again!
Well said! You are brilliant man! Did Jordan pass his bar exam? Did he prove he was a leader to be trusted by his students? He is a motor-mouth for hire! Yet, he somehow is the head of the committee…unbelievable!
Why do we keep paying taxes to this corrupt government The Bidens sold us out to China
What did the China spys get for sleeping with Hunter and Swalwell
Do no longer refer to these Republican congressmen as colleagues. There are traitors who violate their oath of office ever since they started to become the orange conman’s boot lickers. Plain and simple.
Not shocked that Jim Jordon the pedophile protector is a pile of trash.
Shiffy Swalwell a lier a spy
Do as I say not as I do, that’s the Republican way.