Lawrence O’Donnell, Rachel Maddow, Stephanie Ruhle, Ari Melber, Nicolle Wallace and Joy Reid discuss evolving political landscape in the wake of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, and how Republican politicians are not evolving with voters on the subject.
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#gopdebate #roevwade #abortion
Let's not give out good ideas, yeah? Haha
Republicans aren’t American, they are supporting a dictator, they support taking away freedom, democracy, and human rights. They are as unamerican as it can possibly get. And they don’t care about the 80-90% because they want a civil war and they want a dictatorship.
There IS abortion up until birth. It's called a Cesarean.
Republicans don't understand women! They are representing evangelicals/ sexist men that are a minority even in the Republican minority party. Ruplicans are stupid
and the people who vote for them are even more so.
I'm prolife so let's go universal health care! Wait, that is going too far?
In other words they F'd around & now they're about to find out.
The republicans really didn’t want Roe v Wade overturned. They just wanted to be able to say they are fighting to overturn RvW.
Well, be careful what you wish for. You just may get it. And not like the consequences.
We will not forget what the republicans did.
A woman who chooses to give birth is a mother.
A woman who is forced to give birth is breeding stock.
Do you know how freaking proud I would be to have Joy Reid as a mother?!
I honestly wonder how much of a problem the MAGA and anti-choice movement actually are for Republicans. Think about it – Democrats are still doing great despite having Biden at the top of the ticket, and it's all thanks to Trump and the Dobbs decision. If Democrats had someone that was actually good at the top, Republicans would be a rump party.
In 1988 The Canadian Supreme Court ruled that forcing a female to carry a fetus to term violates her right to be secure. Based on Section 7 of The Canadian Bill of Rights.
IN 1988!
The GOP would reinstate slavery if given the opportunity. Overturning Roe v Wade should be proof enough they don’t care about human rights,
How can we call ourselves a democracy when it took only 5 unelected people to overturn abortion rights especially when a vast majority believe that it's a woman's right to choose
MAGA isn’t concerned with what the Masses want
MAGA is concerned with Controlling the Masses on how they see fit like a Controlling Parent taking over every Personal decision that should be None of Their Business to Begin With
This is a Country of different Races and Cultures not a One Size Fits All Nation and the Laws Should Always be Adjusted as Such

Politics forget one small thing CHOICE.
Vote blue!

Republican voters loved the moral superiority of calling Democrats baby killers for years but when their abortion rights are affected all of a sudden they don't want it anymore. So the GOP basically manipulated you for decades with a stupid fake issue. Our country is so dumb.
I could not be happier by this. The republicans reap what they sow. They are neanderthals
Even in Canada, where abortion is technically legal (not criminally prohibited) till birth, in practice, that's not happening. Health care is regulated by the province, access varies wildly, and only two allow abortion to the point of almost certain viability – 24 weeks, 6 days. Do you know how a late term abortion is performed? They induce labor. A viable baby would live, whereas a fetus incompatible with life does not, even with intervention to try to save it.
Important conversation. Thank you MSNBC for continuing the dialogue
Cliff Notes version: Republicans are liars.
Donny brags about roe v. Wade Tired of winning yet. Losers
Look at them, talking about 2023 republican politicians like they're sane and logical. The only thing predictable about these lunatics is that they will always say and do the worst thing they can think of.
(1) Not all pregnancies involve a fetus that didn't already die of natural causes,
(2) As a pro-life woman who has never had an abortion but has received a death threat for having had an abortion, I have as little respect for anti-abortion proponents as their lack of humanitarian considerations deserves, and
(3) breaking taboos about discussing high-risk pregnancies is not only essential to effecting just policies; it is actually going to reveal how much accord actually exists between pro-choice and anti-abortion camps once their positions are tempered by accurate information.
Being AGAINST abortion.
Then Republicans need to speed up health care, social care and family support…
by lack on money or other Jung mother needs….
What a great panel.
the whole "abortion at nine months thing" always gets me bc early induced labor is a thing, and it can be dangerous in its own ways but its not an abortive procedure. do people think planned parenthood are pulling out a fully alive baby capable of surviving outside of its mother and then just k/lling it bc the mom said ahe didnt want it?
They were warned and yet they persisted
I just wanna make this comment about nikki hayley and vivik ramasami. If donald trump gets back into the presidency, both of their families will be deported or held in some kind of a labor camp. That's what they should be talking about
They keep repeating nine month Abortion and it's really bad
That is latest lie that republicans are pushing about abortions done in the nineth month of pregnancy. VOTE BLUE,Protect a woman's right to choose and control her own body!!!!!
The vast majority of late-term abortions are for critical medical reasons, usually threatening the life of the mother.
Republicans are wasting their breath. There will NEVER be a total country ban on abortion. Get over it already.
gop opened a pandoras box by getting rid of roe v wade now they are paying the price
Republicans are corrupt and leaning towards fascist wannabe dictatorship. They are a clear and dangerous presence to democracy and the US government
Republicans talk out boh side of their faces what makes this country great is our right to pick what is right for each individual what's wrong with this country is the lawyers judges and politicians who want to tread on our rights a woman's right to an abortion is her right to choose and it's between her family and her doctor no one gets to choose that for her so I would encourage others to keep the noses out of others people's affairs.
The majority of americans believe there should be restrictions on abortion. Its really not political, its moral ethics. Murdering someone because of their location or their dependency at some point in their lives is fundamentally wrong. It will never be right. Some people can see that and others refuse to under some virtuous false guise.
Prior to Dobbs, R's could rely on the one issue voter, who only cared about banning abortion. But now, the SCOTUS switched many voters into pro-choice, one issue voters. And guess what? The pro-choice voters far outnumber the anti-choice ones.