Video shows rocket strike about 100 meters from CNN reporter

Israel admits one of their airstrikes hit an ambulance near Gaza hospital, claiming it was being used by Hamas militants to move under cover. Also, CNN’s Jeremy Diamond shares the moment two rockets struck the Israeli city of Sderot, with one striking about 100 meters from where he was located with his photojournalist. CNN’s Kate Bolduan talks to IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus about the new developments. #CNN #News

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  1. 2

    Ok I say continue… ok jump in the Time Machine umm what u do there besides throwing rock and what I watch u guy killing innocent young kids no threat to u guys haha 🔥🇯🇴💦😮… i’m not you guys lie about you action and blaming on the Jewish people that IDF did it making. Oh my God a list goes on and on people expected the Jews GOD people

  2. 9

    Shame on you CNN if you guys were there when Hamas attacked Israel initially do you have any shame? Do you even know what human compassion is because that’s sick that you guys are OK with that and it goes to show how sick the media is anymore to think that that’s appropriate but then again you can’t fix stupid you can’t fix evil and that’s what all of this is shame on you CNN but again I don’t think you understand what shame is I think the question people of America should start asking is why is it that you were always in the middle of all these terrorist situation? Why are you Frontline there is it because you guys are in on the terrorist part maybe you’re the terrorist of our state

  3. 12

    How many times were the civilians warned to leave? They only complicate the situation. I get the feeling they want to protect Hamas.

  4. 14

    Hamas are using ambulances for moving their troops under the cover of human shields. What you need to understand is that the only hope of salvation the Gazan children have, is to allow the IDF to take control of the hospitals and other places as quickly as possible where the children are being used as human shields by Hamas. Any delay will sentence more Gazans to their fate So those calling for ceasefires are either useful idiots or Hamas supporters who condone using Gazan children as human sacrifices. Already, the IDF has set up safe routes out of Northern Gaza into Southern Gaza. The deeper into Gaza the IDF goes, the better for Gaza.

  5. 15

    the population of Hungary was 5 million in 1526……3-3.5 million in 1699…we know Islam…chatastropha !!!!!!!!
    …the population of France and England in 1526 was 5 million…in 1699 it was around 10-12 million……and these countries became full of colonies…and the original accumulation of capital was created…!,,,Hungary was also left out of this….we know Islam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,,,,Ottoman….


  6. 17

    We all know ,that this is the well plan of the terrorist hamas , inflicting more civilians by Israeli forces will stir more anger to the Israeli government , but the Israeli government gave an enough time to the civilians to leave the area …both hamas and the Palestinian should blame about this ….the host clearly seen as anti Israel….

  7. 21

    Day by day the west distance their self from Israel war as if they didn't spread IDF baby's behading lies ,not giving Israel multi billions of military aid (as if she needed it) 😔

  8. 23

    White supremacy fake white owned propaganda media outlets love this type of madness controlling the narrative. Fake propaganda practices to misleading misinformation for the sole purpose of maintaining white supremacy. All these fake propaganda media will be irrelevant soon.

  9. 26

    Cool news program. They should do a program about police racketeering in Estonia, how some inventors are robbed and how some doctors from here break and disfigure people’s faces with mucus from fish, bankrupting their wallets.

  10. 27

    Hamas initiated the war and Israel has to protect their people. When the smoke is clear, Israel must push away from their far right political party, and ask them how this happened.

  11. 28


  12. 29

    media keep telling lies … When Ukraine tries to regain its lands occupied by Russia, everyone supports Ukraine. But when the imprisoned Palestinian tries to resist, he becomes a terrorist and has no right to defend himself and his land stolen by Israel, and the Israelis become the ones defending themselves by tearing apart children and women, and the Palestinian despite this is the terrorist !!! It is a hypocritical world

  13. 31

    Kate quotes number of casualties in Gaza. is she aware the gazan department of health, which is the source of this figure, is a terrorist organization that believes it is ok to give false information

  14. 32

    Kate is obsessed with an ambulance that carried hamas henchmen. she is overlooking the simple fact that hamas use ambulances all the time to drive themselves to and from a destination

  15. 33

    why doesnt hamas just raise white flags and give up? if they care about its civilians life, it could have saved them. i listened to an interview with an israeli government rep, naftali bennett, and he repeatedly stated israel is not interesting in keeping gaza.

  16. 34

    Ooooh! A hundred meters. That's a long way from being news, or very dangerous. Slow news day? Reporters are not the story.

  17. 40

    "I did nothing", yeah give it few years and he would be signing up with Hamas, most terrorists start at 14.

    Let's not forget this is war, a war that Hamas should have never started it from the beginning, but they did and now they're paying for the consequence of their actions.
    U can't start murdering and when u have ur a$$ handed to u start playing victim and ask for ceasefire.
    Besides Israel gave these ppl 20 days to move, why they didn't? I think we all know the answer to that, but we expect Israel to play parents to these children, and not hold the parents responsible for cooperating with Hamas…😂

  18. 41

    Gay lives matter REYHANLI, Turkey (AP) — The Islamic State group, which on Monday called the Orlando mass shooter killed 50 Gay men Omar Mateen ‘one of the soldiers of the caliphate in America,’ has a history of targeting gays with brutal public killings. 1:39

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