Trudeau makes explosive allegation against India

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada was investigating “credible allegations” linking India to the killing of Canadian citizen and prominent Sikh leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar. India called the allegations “absurd” and denied them. #India #Canada #CNN #news

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  1. 3
    Bc C

    There is possible allegations that there might be a chance that Justin Trudeau might cause this problem

  2. 10
    Kiroo Lioneaver

    The thing is there's different communities of Indian Canadians and the Sikh community by far is the most influential when it comes to politics. All three parties have Sikh MPs in prominent positions and calling out Modi's Hindu nationalist government is gonna score points among the Sikh's lol

  3. 12

    Is there an investigation into this? This is probably going to go public with it the relations of two countries on the line..

    And why does this feel like Serbia and Austria-Hungary part 2 preWW1

  4. 14
    TNTCanada 420

    Indias current gov is apart of the IDU. Ultra right wing. India also murdered another Canadian in India … Sidhu Moose Wala … Coincidentally from Punjab as well 🤔🤔🤔

  5. 18
    Sabeshan Iyer

    "Innocent until proven guilty" goes out the window in this case. Look at how casually prejudiced the anchors are on insinuating India is responsible for this killing. "They must have a smoking gun" – I mean, come on! The implication is clear – we trust the word of a White nation more than a Brown one, facts and evidence be damned.

    Whatever happened to fair and balanced reporting? Oh wait, this is CNN. Never mind, my bad!

  6. 20
    Arun Bhadauria

    Canada harbouring terrorists/extremists just like taliban,pak,middle east…what is the point why you attacked to kill terrorists in middle east/afghan/pak when you yourself harbouring….give them khalistan within canada.

  7. 22
    Travel Adventurer

    The non sikh indo Canadian population is 2.4%, sikh population is 2% , if he did this for thre gain of 2% votebank, he lost 2.4% on other side.. politcal mistake again

  8. 26
    All things nice

    He died in Canada and he is accusing Indian government? Stupidity at peaks. Provoking terrorists in other country is not good for him. It’s going to bite him hard.

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