A scandal erupted at a New Jersey high school after a male student used AI to make fake nude photos of female students. One of the victims tells CNN’s Michael Smerconish, “I shouldn’t be sad, I should be mad.” #CNN #News
Teen responds to classmate creating AI nudes of female students
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…how do you spell

' wired'………
…thats weird…..
Im not a cancel culture freak but those boys need jail. Imagin a little girl who has been so nice and proper and these demons put her head on that, oh my goodness. Those boys unfortunately are a product of normalizing only fans.
Boys will be boys doesn’t suggest that boys should be evil. It is so very important that this gets addressed through laws, parents need to actively demonstrate that this is completely unacceptable, education as a whole needs to address the possible negative impact of such behaviour.
I remember when I was in middle school I got suspended for drawing a naked female and it was a crappy doodle. This is way worse than that. I think our children are just opposed to way too much.
Separate schools for boys and girls from grade 1 to 12, simple fix.
If a girl posted a real picture of herself nude would she be charged with sending pornographic pictures of a minor? But manufactured porn is ok?
1) Francesca has a very beautiful face–so much more appealing than ANY so-called "Super Model", who are pushed at us as the "Be All, End All" of beautiful women–but, simply put, are not.
2) Francesca and her Mother should contact the appropriate type of Attorney–which type would it be in this case???–a Criminal Defense Attorney???
Its just girls being girls.
It's highshool. They are ALL horny.
I'm wondering if the mother is here legally!
Great team there, mom and daughter. Both are well spoken. I wish we could turn the internet off for a week, once a month!
Disgusting!!!! Those boys should be expelled from that High School!!!!
You can't make everything illegal, first off, how can you formulate an effective law without a huge pile of unintended consequences. Remember how the anti-sexting laws turned 1000's of teenage kids into sex offenders. People are too fond of making things illegal without thinking about how it will play out in the real world.
How would each of those boys feel if the girls did the same thing? What if a girl created AI nude images of them with really tiny penises to match their brains? The whole “boys will be boys” lazy response is not acceptable. Parents need to expect more from their boys. Just letting them be obnoxious and deviant because they are male is not a way to raise responsible young adults.
If you google "ai turn picture nude" you'll get a litany of websites that do exactly this.
Blaming teenagers for using sites like that is a lose-lose. Everyone out here is just full of shit if they think morals are going to stop boys and men from abusing AI.
Legislate it or gtfoh.
There's not going to EVER be consent for shit like this. Not to the vast majority of people who use sites like this.
Porn is like every other vice
Its an individuals choice to go down that road or not
"If I may add something: I am SO proud of my daughter…." What a fantastic example of parental love and support! No wonder her daughter is so grounded and made the empowered decision to not bow to shame but instead honor her anger and focus it productively.
People really need to stop having such a positive view of humanity and ensure there are frameworks in place for these sorts of things. It won't be long before AI will be used to generate emotional reactions from groups of people with the explicit purpose to either condone the murdering of groups and get people to do so.
Bro. the biggest story is that this video is actually Ai generated. Bro, look at the edges it's like you see that clear as day. you see that artifact, right? it's so obvious you can't trick us, Media!!!
How would it feel if they had to carry the label sexual abuser for the rest of their lives? I bet the girls feel like they have been violated.
This is sick. Things on the internet never go away. These images will follow these girls around forever and everyone new who sees it will not know it's fake. This should fall under child porn or revenge porn.
The fact that they released a.i without any consideration to the people it was trained on or the ramifications is absurd. They should be brought to congress for questioning with the aid of ethical tech litterate people. Because congress is filled with people who are tech illiterate and will ask terrible questions. We need a tech commitee with elected officials specifically for tech.
Laws and penalties need to be updated and evolve with times. Times have changed. Adult age penalties should be dropped from 18 to 12. These so called kids are NOT children anymore due to the fast track of knowledge and accessibility to world information. These are young Adults not children. Yes, prison time is appropriate.
Also, parents need to be held accountable and be included in penalties. If your 14 year old commits a crime, You the responsible parent gets to go to jail too…
Enjoy those long sensual prison showers with Bubba…
This 'boys will be boys' or 'it just locked room talk' excuses need to stop. What a copout? I hope we see justice for these young ladies
How disgusting ! Arrest the parents as they created and are an accessory . How many of these biys lack fathers?
This is a form of RAPE.
No laws? There's a law that minors cannot possess kewd and lacivious images .material
It’s a criminal act that can jeopardise careers, home life relationships and more. How will these boys and their parents feel if the consequences of theses actions destroys the lives of these girls if they can’t handle the amount of pressure they will be put under because of this. What if it were their sisters and daughters would it still be boys will be boys. And what makes the parents think it can’t happen to their daughters or sons
This is exactly what Ketanji was saying in her confirmation when dealing with “online sexual predator “ cases. That there need to be newly defined laws distinguishing between actual predators vs a young person doing a dumb thing & not understanding how far 1 action or click can go. IMO cases like this need stiff punishment like probation for a long time but not a sexual predator conviction that follows them for life. I’ll be sharing this with my young daughter barely scratching the surface of the online world because young people need to be way more cautious.
All of this sickness will end by 2030
Youthful transgression? No, this is far more sinister than that and will follow those girls for years and could lead to other things. This should be prosecuted, the boy should be removed from the school. I'm not suggesting he goes to prison, but this cannot go unpunished.
Great Idea!
I’m gonna be the devils advocate here.
Deepfake…..the word fake is literally in the name. What’s the difference between this and cutting out someones yearbook photo and pasting it on a porn stars body.
I personally wouldn’t want this done to me…but I wouldn’t go as far as trying to create laws against it. Like it or not it’s the price we pay for freedom.
Where do you go from there…arrest someone for drawing a mustache on your yearbook photo?
You can’t legislate this because it’s art….distasteful..yes but it’s still art in the legal sense.
AI is here and it’s going to be unrestricted one way or another.
How am I wrong?
I don't like that, "boys will be boys" comment. Parents need to raise their "boys" better! They need to suspend/expell the boy and this mother needs to take this to the Supreme Court to get a law passed. Esp in relation to matters involving Minors