Pennsylvania fugitive now armed after stealing rifle

Danelo Cavalcante, the convicted killer who escaped a Pennsylvania prison nearly two weeks ago, is now armed. Police say Cavalcante stole a rifle from an open garage on his 13th day on the run. Fugitive hunter John Moriarty tells CNN’s Erin Burnett how these kinds of searches usually go. #CNN #News

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  1. 1
    Tibore Goldberger

    Is this Joe Biden's Brazilian love child support you your children Joe Biden and your grandchildren do not deny Joe Biden new migrant immigration policy give us your murderers your Killers or rapists your child molesters your monsters of society 0:10

  2. 11
    Ann Pringle

    The man is only 5"feet 120 lbs
    All those policemen and it took a dog too get him.
    120lbs 5"feet he had a lot of experience and they won't admit it was hard 2 weeks too find this criminal.

  3. 12
    Ann Pringle

    The man is only 5"feet 120 lbs
    All those policemen and it took a dog too get him.
    120lbs 5"feet he had a lot of experience and they won't admit it was hard 2 weeks too find this criminal.

  4. 13
    Dave Mulka

    CNN did you get your directive from team biden to ramp up your scrutiny of the impeachment inquiry? The report states that all dem propaganda tools have been asked to do this by biden. Now, we will watch as you follow your directions. Will you be starting this soon?

  5. 14

    The suspect had a great 2 week summer vacation playing one of the largest hide and seek with law enforcement and the public. He'll have quite alot to gist his fellow inmates.

  6. 16

    Defending the police operation "We've found that needle in the haystack multiple times." No, citizens alerted the police to his location multiple times and the police let him get away multiple times.

  7. 22
    A Google User

    Let's not forget that George Santos, the notorious liar and scammer Republican congressman, is also a BRAZILIAN! I'm just saying…. Is anything good coming from Brazil?

  8. 28
    Rich Marceau

    I'd like to thank the gun owner for leaving his garage unlocked and rifle unsecured, thereby providing the fugitive with a weapon. Shooting at him to make him even more desperate was icing on the cake, though.

  9. 30
    Andrew Sturgess

    Not the best argument for handguns as vigilante justice or whatever lol, if the guy got away completely unscathed and with an even better weapon…

  10. 31

    If you live in the area and have an unlocked rifle in your garage it is either absolutely moronic and inept to leave your garage open, or this person was trying to be a hero and failed and now you put police and people in danger because you armed him

  11. 37

    "Theres hills and trees preventing his capture." If the pigs acted like he hurt one of their own, they would have captured him long ago. Look at them tripping over each other like morons. 🤡📣 Hey y'all now he has a gun too!

  12. 38

    "They've located that needle many times" .. well then where tf is it??!?? How do you locate him multiple times and not get him?!!!!!???

  13. 39
    Daniel Global

    The original stunning clever escape starts at – 2:47. You escaped a max security prison and outwitted hundreds of cops for two weeks?! Cavalcante, you are a modern day Robin Hood!

  14. 41
    Daniel Global

    Did you see the actual escape? Tremendous! Spiderman + Houdini all in one 🤯👏👏👏. Cavalcante = Legend! Now he's armed? ZERO chance he is going surrender and walk back to a life jail term without an EPIC fight 😈😈😈 to the bitter ultimate end.

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