Nikki Haley comments on Putin’s first move after the attack in Israel

While on the campaign trail, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley commented on Putin’s invitation to Hamas to come to Russia following their brutal attack in Israel. CNN’s Jeff Zeleny reports. #CNN #News

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  1. 6

    What she claims, are these facts or a convenient explanation to get more funding from Israel? Does she have any proof, or again the spread the lies till they become truth tactic?.

  2. 7

    Dear American people, your politicians have highjacked your own democracy to implant a corpo-plutocracy. Apparently among the well educated North American people, there are no capable people to lead but the same caste to the point the system has to recycle over and over again the same refried and failed colorful characters who have been sinking the country at pace of a million dollars every 45 seconds in debts. Wake up people, they finishing sinking the boat. This lady has been and is part of the failing people who have led the country to historic high debt records. I apologize but I do not understand the reasoning of people to vote or listen to these failed politicians. North America need leaders who are connected to reality and who understand one can no spend more than what one earn.

  3. 9

    Haley will never beat Trump. Her views are changing more frequently than the weather in Chicago. We owe 30 trillion dollar mostly because of unnecessary wars. She wants to get us into another war or two. These people have handlers. Never trust them.

  4. 11

    Wonder where DEATHSANTIS GOT THAT REBOOT OF FUNDS IN HIS CAMPAIGN.???? And the finances for those BOOTS? Almost as Transparent as PUTIN'S AND THE TEA PARTY'S MOTO FOR " NEW WORLD ORDER!"☠️🤬😠

  5. 14

    I have lost faith in all these candidates. It’s all dirty politics based on trying to build on momentum rather than solutions for Americans. If Americans are not at the forefront for US politicians, those politicians are worthless trash to me.

  6. 16

    she was born from 2 indian immigrant parents. she is quick to push us into wars because it doesn't effect her just makes her more popular to donors. she is quick to wage US in world wars but lets see if her family that has to fight. no i dont think so. tried of politicians pushing us into wars and our beloved army to death . 20 yrs afghanistan , iraq based on a lie. have we learned nothing?

  7. 17

    Nikki Hayley has ZERO chance at getting the nomination, and less than that of becoming President. She is a warmonger and she is carrying way too much baggage.

  8. 20

    I'm an independent and I really, really hope more Republicans pay attention to Haley. I voted for Biden last time, but Biden is vulnerable, so there's a big possibility that a Republican will win… and if Trump or DeSantis is that winner, they're not going to support Ukraine and may even take the US out of NATO. It's refreshing that Haley sees the big picture: Russia is a threat not just to Ukraine, but to other countries too. The way to prevent a wider war is to help Ukraine defeat Russia NOW. Putting our heads in the sand and trying to push Ukraine into a flimsy "peace deal" with Russia will not solve the problem. It'll just kick the can down the road. Russia needs to be stopped now, and Hamas too. Haley has foreign policy knowledge and experience, which is why I hope she becomes the Republican nominee!

  9. 23

    Putin aside, we know he is blood thirsty. What is hard to swallow is when the toll of the innocent victims in Gaza is announced CNN and other big names of the mainstream media discard it as doubtful information because it is coming from the health ministry ( civilian) of Hamas yet when it comes to the number abducted by Hamas it is taken as a divine truth. This logic bears this skepticism: may be Hamas are also lying on the latter matter may be they don’t hold anyone. Why are the media nitpicking? Why are you endorsing the Israeli narrative as the whole truth all along? Where is the fact check, reliable journalism?

  10. 24

    America cannot take on the world by itself that’s why we need to maintain diplomatic ties with our friends in Israel and Ukraine because foreign threats are coming after us Americans. That’s putting America first because sadly, Putin, Iran, China, North Korea and the terrorists want Americans dead and will do another 9/11 for us or worse. Israel and Ukraine are actually protecting us and God bless because can you imagine having to live through that Hell. God bless America and I do want peace for the world somehow someday but you cannot make peace with dictators and terrorists that don’t want it and want us dead. What can be done is to cut spending on stuff we don’t need, too bad the national security is essential and very connected to foreign events unfortunately. She wants to cut spending on stuff we don’t need and that would help a lot of Americans too. We need to be safe and have money in our pockets. Hamas is killing Palestinians all the time, Putin is killing Russians all the time, destroying their society. So please stand with Ukraine for freedom, and with Israel to free Palestinians from Hamas that has taken all rights from the people and funds only terrorism and war. Let there be peace finally over there, Russians and Ukrainians and Palestinians and Israelis all deserve a life free from the tyranny of Putin dictator and Hamas terrorist society. America can push for a 2 state solution too. This is in our best interest and the best interest of safety, Freedom, eventual peace for America, our friends and the world.

  11. 27

    It will be wonderful for pootin if trump wins the next election, that will grant him the power to meddle with american politics and will consolidate his influence worldwide. A great opportunity to drive a wedge between the US and Europe weakening both at the same time.

  12. 28

    😢To begin with, it does not matter who becomes president, it is think thanks, not popularly elected neo conservative lunatics like Victoria Nuland who decide. They say Trump didn't start a war, which is true. But he looted Syria, cruel Sanctions that only affect ordinary people. Abraham accords that threw the Palestinians under the bus, which is one of more to the crisis that is now in the Middle East. Approximately 25 million, who have a passport, often travel in groups or in connection with military service. The reality of the broken world Hollywood, broken education system that makes the most IQ liberated statements about other countries. In every little Chinese or Russian there is an American who wants to free himself and live out the Ronald Reagan American dream. Nikki Healy is always black/white, all that does is right. It's rude, she should travel India and China lecturing 6000 year old civilizations that didn't travel around destroying the rest of the world and bringing home slaves. Make sure to build your own country, instead of these fabricated conflicts with China, Russia and Iran. Which are based on your own insecurities, that you still live in a cold war mentality. Nikki Haley mentions Ronald Reagan in every speech, that man has little relevance today. Offer something the rest want, instead of military bases infrastructure projects and development.

  13. 30

    If the truth be told, no one likes the US and Israel, what a negative reaction Israel received in the General Assembly. No one outside the West 15 percent wanted Sanctions or clearly condemn Russia. Everything the US does is crap, they only believe in military solutions. Not since John F Kennedy has the US had a positive vision of itself and cooperation with the rest of the world. Nikki Haley will make the US more irrelevant, strengthen the BRICS alliance, and the de dollarization. I expect that countries like France, Hungary, Turkey will want to join BRICS. We in the rest of the world have burnout syndrome, you have destabilized the entire Middle East, support Al Queda and ISIS, Libya, Iraq, Somaila and killed 6 million Muslims. My country has taken in more Iraqi refugees than you as a country. We can't stand you, Israel's and US exceptionalism is a form of psychopathic narcissistic personality disorder. Should read the parts of the Bible and your basis that all men are born equal by the creator.

  14. 34

    UN🇺🇳 & Russia🇷🇺 must end Israel occupation in West Bank & Golan. UK🇬🇧 responsible in Palestine conflict. Balfour declaration issued by UK (1917), which announced for establishment "national home for jewish people" in Palestine. At that time, Palestine was teritory Ottoman empire & jews in Palestine were still minority.

  15. 37

    Russian Armed Forces are the biggest threat to the security of Europe, NATO and the World. If Ukraine is invaded, there will never be peace in Europe. In European countries, the situation will be the same as in Yemen, Algeria, Syria, Morocco, Uzbekistan, North Sudan, Niger, Iraq and Afghanistan. Citizens of these countries serve in the Russian Army. Ilham Aliyev, Nicolas Maduro and Serdar Berdimuhamedow supplies diesel and oil to the Russian Army. Kaliningrad, Saint Petersburg, Minsk and Moscow is under the jurisdiction of the European Union and NATO. Killer Vladimir Putin is looking for an excuse to use nuclear weapons. If the Russian army is defeated, an atomic bomb will be dropped on Paris, London, Kyiv, Berlin, New York, Rome, Brussels and Warsaw. If Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Kaliningrad, Crimea, Donbas are attacked, the Russian army will launch Topol-M with a nuclear warhead. Kim Jong Un, Alexander Lukashenko, Xi Jinping, Ebrahim Raisi sends weapons and ammunition to Russia. Vladimir Putin wants to stop grain exports and make Europe economically dependent on him by attacking Donetsk, Odessa, Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv and Kherson ports with high-precision hypersonic missiles and kamikaze drones. “All ships arriving at Ukrainian ports will be considered as military cargo ships and will be destroyed. For this, we started a military exercises in the Black Sea”, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation said. By order of Vladimir Putin, nuclear and chemical weapons were placed in Belarus. If Belarus is attacked, there will be a huge Hiroshima and Nagasaki tragedy in Europe

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