In an interview with CNN’s Becky Anderson, Queen Rania of Jordan weighs in on the Israeli-Hamas war, underscoring what she says is the root cause of the conflict. #CNN #News
Hear what Queen Rania of Jordan said about Hamas and the ‘root cause’ of the conflict
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The waistline of the Queen Panty is lined with Diamonds yet she has no voice of world peace of Palestine
Son of Hamas Co-Founder Exposes and Denounces Group at UN, Exposes 'Savage' Indoctrination of Palestinian Kids –
Better she goes to fashion shows
No sane person can live in Gaza with Israelis restrictions ,not as 2nd class citizen but worse than that
Un fucking real. Israel has crossed the line?
USA should without aid to Jordan-now what will she do without money for new jewelry

Maybe she ahould sell her crown jewels and help the Gazan refugees

Well, Queen Rania, have you forgotten why Jordan doesn't want Palestinians as well? Just a couple decades ago when these Palestinian organizations called for the removal of Jordan's king and destruction of entire Jordanian monarchy. You wouldn't be queen hadn't they kicked out the PLO!
Queen Rania is one of the most assertive and influential leaders in the world. For there to be true peace in the Middle East, the state of Israel must be held to account for its war crimes.
She is like Hamas
Yes Queen is absolutely right. Basic cause is illegal occupation of Israel.And Jerusalem is not the part of Either Palestine nor Israel.Jersalem is sacred for almost half the population of the world.
When the Queen refers to "war crimes" is she also considering the Israeli father and son tied together and burned alive?
Either she has been brainwashed or is a fool
Open the gates of Jordan to Palestinians then. No? Why? Because look what they did to the Israeli people when they got work permits. They mapped out homes for attacks. Can't tell an innocent Palestinian from a Hamas supporter. That's why Egypt isn't letting them in either. They know what will happen and SHE knows what she will lose if the worse comes to worse.
If you believe what you are saying Miss , then why dont the Arabs take in the Palestinians in your own countries , and you think you have a right to dictate to Israel what is morally right or wrong ….. What you Arabs cannot comprehend is the fact that your slaves from the past have become the masters from the thousands of years they had been expelled , occupied , masacred etc from all the Arab nations …….. NEVER AGAIN …. let that sink in !
The root cause is radical Islam. There is Boko Haram killing Christians in Nigeria, the Houthis killing Saudis, Abu Sayaf group killing Christians in the Philippines, ISIS killing Americans etc etc etc.
Throughout the history of the land the Palestinins never ruled the land or had a king or a president. No title EVER. There is NO OCCUPATION just terrible Palestinins.
You want facts about the Hamas?
Palestine was given a Palestine State twice and they REJECTED them.
The Hamas Constitution does not have any mention of freeing Palestine, gaining a Palestine State…. or even the word "Palestine State".
The first words of the Constitution of the Hamas regime is;
"Israel will continue to exist until Islam destroys it."
It was our own land my grandfather and mother lived in theirown and there property . In 1948 Jewish terrorist gang lies did many horrible massacres as killing pregnant women’s , deryassin and people were frighted and told them to leaves homes as now telling to gazanisns . They told my family only one week and till now we were forbidden to return as they stole our homes and give it to settlers in Jerusalem
Queen Tania speaks a load of poppycock ..
A Letter to Queen Rania of Jordan
Last Saturday, Jordan's Queen Rania wrote a piece entitled "Gaza: A Modern Dystopia" in the Brazilian daily O Estado de S. Paulo. One of Brazil's top oncologists, São Paulo-based Dr. Sergio Simon, responded with "A Letter to Queen Rania of Jordan"
Your Majesty Queen Rania al Abdullah of Jordan, Amman – Jordan
I live in Brazil, a country far from your beautiful Jordan, which I have never visited. However, as a Jewish doctor with a deep interest in the tragic events of the Middle East, I was happy to read your column today on O Estado de Sao Paulo, one of the leading newspapers in Brazil.
In your touching article you tell us about dystopia, an imaginary place where people live in utmost disgrace and suffering. And you mention that Gaza is not just a dystopia but a reality in our days – perhaps the most tragic place on Earth at the present time. I could not agree more with Your Majesty. Any reasonable person in the world has been deeply touched by the scenes of human suffering seen on television in the last few days. And – as Your Majesty correctly points out – 1.8 million people live under siege, surrounded by enemies, seeing their houses and personal belongings destroyed in this senseless battle. According to Your Majesty, every inhabitant of Gaza just wants what we all want: a normal life, nothing more and nothing less! You ask for people to act and react, to help save the people of Gaza, to donate to the UNRWA.
Your Majesty cannot remember the following facts, since they happened a few days after you were born in August 1970 in Kuwait. At that time King Hussein of Jordan (may Allah bless His memory), who would become your father in law, started one of the bloodiest battles against the Palestinian people in what was to become known as the “Black September”. He was firmly decided not to allow the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), under the leadership of Yasser Arafat, to take over the government of Jordan or even the government of the Left Bank. And he was probably right, as this would have threatened the autonomy of the Hashemite Kingdom. Your father in law, with the loyal help of the Jordanian Armed Forces, killed thousands of Palestinian refugees at gunpoint. It was not a long war – it ended in July 1971, just days before Your first birthday party in Kuwait. But according to Yasser Arafat, close to 20,000 Palestinians were killed during the Black September. Other Palestinian organizations, such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine of George Habash and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine of Nayef Hawatmeh, openly questioned the legitimacy of your father in law’s monarchy and were equally involved in the fight.
And you will ask – rightfully so – “How come there were Palestinian refugees in Jordan in 1970, since they had left Israel in 1948? Twenty two years later they were still “refugees?””. Yes, Your Majesty Queen Rania, King Hussein bin Talal, your father in law of blessed memory, always kept the displaced Palestinian in concentration camps, as did all other Arab countries of the time. Instead of absorbing them into the Jordanian society, they were kept under inhumane conditions in concentration camps to pressure Israel and the United Nations. Nobody wanted the Palestine “problem” solved. Oh, of course there were also the Jewish refugees from the Arab countries as well! Hundreds of thousands of Jews had to flee Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Algeria, Tunisia, Yemen and Morocco without anything, leaving behind all their belongings and properties… But Israel did not put them in camps. They were readily absorbed in the Israeli society and today, one or two generations later, they are lawyers, doctors, teachers, university professors in Israel. There is no more a “Jewish refugee” problem. This could have happened with the poor Palestinians had King Hussein in Jordan, Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt and Shukri al-Kwatli and Hafez al-Assad in Syria done the same.
So, Your Majesty, I thought you ought to know that your Jordan Kingdom has played a major role in creating the situation in Gaza, where the terrorists of Hamas fly out thousands of rockets over the Israeli civilians and then uses Palestinian children and women as shields – a monstrous war crime. Even the UNWRA schools, for which Your Majesty is raising funds, have been used as hideouts for bombs and rockets (Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary-General, said so. And I believe him).
But Your Majesty, as the Queen of Jordan, has the chance to contribute significantly to solve this most serious situation.. Please tell your husband, King Abdullah II of Jordan (May Allah bless Him) to convince the Arab leaders to solve the Palestinian problem as soon as possible. They should absorb the Palestinians in their societies; they should recognize Israel as a state and make peace with it (religious sites? Israel would give everyone free and immediate access, I am sure; Compensation for lost property? This can be worked out easily, I am also sure); they should stop educating their children to hate the Jews; they should accept equality for women and for all minorities and religions. Easy! As simple as that!
So tonight, Queen Rania, when you ask the magic mirror “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who in the land is the fairest of all?” the mirror will reply “You, my Queen, are the fairest of all. Fair not only for the beauty that Allah sprinkled on You, but also for being fair to all parts”.
May Allah grant Your Majesty much health and happiness!
Queen of violence and terror
Queen Rania

With respect to her majesty views, both sides during negotiations, cannot agree on the basic grounds of historical land, its records and compromises. There was only one chance before, that was in 1947, when one side agree to it, while the other, by influences from others, was told not to accept. 76 years on, they have still been influenced. From 2005 onwards, they have every opportunity to prove to the world and most importantly, their influencers (root cause), that they had been wrong and will turn Gaza into a metropolis of the Mediterranean. They did, but it was a wartropolis using the city, homes and people as first line defense on the surface, while they shelter thy self-underground! I have not heard from the 22 other Big Brothers around the region saying – " enough of war, we all made a grave mistake 76 years ago, no more wars, we will ensure peace in the region and let us help the children and their children build a nation of peace with thy neighbors".
If you let Hamas to survive ,then what? They will still try to kill all Jews? Then what?
As if royalty has any idea about civilians…..please spare us the rehearsed speech
I wonder why everyone presduring and questioning israel but silent towards Hamas leaders who had ignited this atrocity and entertaining themselves in Qatar hotels?
Thank you Rania

Free free Palistine
So damn nice of her to be speaking from her penthouse ….while having professional makeup on .. poor her .
Root cause of the problem is terrosim orchestrayed by Hamas
Audience targeted
Queen is so cute and innocent.She has no idea that this war is like loop.and history tells the same.Every thing planned from Hammas attack to current situation.Such type of things happened earlier almost in same way and ended with abvantage israel.God of universes empowers me,protects me, isteal to fear from the day when blood of innocents will revert and the day that will come before or after the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem.
What our prophet Muhammad PBUH taught us about Jews: Once, in the Muslim ruling city of Medina, a Jew dead body was being taken to burial in front of our beloved prophet PBUH, He suddenly got up as a sign of respect, so his one of the companions asked him that why he got up for he was a Jew. Prophet Muhammad PBUH replied, "Was not he a HUMAN"?
The Palestinians were given many chances for peace treaties with Israel which they rejected several times. Israel if you know history have forcibly pulled out its citizen from Gaza in the past to give it back to the Palestinians. Hamas which rules Gaza’s main objective is to annihilate the Jews and non-Muslim race not only in Israel but all throughout the World. There’s not even a way to negotiate with these barbarians as they are filled with evil hatred and illusions that they are are the only rightful beings that should live on earth.
If you really talk about root cause your Highness, you will have no land to rule as Ottoman empire also consist of yr country. If you wish to deny Israel's right to the land then so is your country. Hamas has to take responsibility for hiding behind and under the burkha of hospitals, schools, mosques etc