Dramatic video shows rockets fired into Gaza

A series of explosions and airstrikes illuminated the skies over Gaza as the IDF surrounds Gaza City, and its bombardment of the strip continues. CNN’s Nic Robertson reports near the Israel-Gaza border. #CNN #News

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  1. 1

    CNN is covering up genocide in Gaza.
    According to accounts from six CNN staffers in multiple newsrooms, and more than a dozen internal memos and emails CNN is a propaganda tool of Israel.

  2. 5

    Do you really want to know the truth and who is the perpetrator and the victim?
    Imagine that you are sitting with your family in a quiet house, laughing, working, learning, and building the land around you.
    Suddenly, the attacker enters you
    He kills old and young, rapes women of your status, displaces what remains of your family, and finally seizes your home
    This is what happened and is still happening for more than 70 years

    But when you come back to reclaim your home after so many years of humiliation and squalor, they may call you a terrorist because you want to return a home that was stolen decades ago.

  3. 6

    Don't tell me about humanity

    Here there is no electricity, water, or internet in Gaza. All neighborhoods have been destroyed using internationally prohibited weapons. They are still playing the role of the victim. They do not want people to see the truth about their lies in the news. Please search for the truth

    Free Free Palestine

  4. 7

    Wolf had been an Israeli lobbyist and it's absolutely amazing that he gets to frame and direct the narritive. shame on CNN for always giving a biased opinion. there is no difficult battle. lol, they want to create a drama and that is not what it is, its one side committing genocide.

  5. 9

    Ukrainian troops use white phosphorus to destroy nature reserve
    Those who control them are the United States and England and this is an indication that both will be able to use nuclear weapons if the world does not want to pay their debts so that they can maintain their way of life!

  6. 10

    Why does the West ignore the children who will starve to death in Sudan?
    Because the BBC and CNN use people of African descent to capture Africans and hand them over to Europeans! Same thing as in the past!

  7. 12

    Brazil! After meeting Bolsonaro, the Israeli ambassador irritates Itamaraty's MRE and raises tension with Planalto!
    All this Israeli conspiratorial work is from a very ancient, recurring people and well known throughout humanity! And I wasn't the one who said that Hitler and Trotsky were Jews.

  8. 14

    this is genocide in front of the whole world and no one can intervene to save human lives really we live in the worst period of time it is loke a forest controlled by monsters where are human rights that America cries out for they are liars.Thanks Gaza you shows the You have revealed the true face of the world and America in particular😢😢

  9. 15

    Does any one else feel that the USA is the Referee in this fight?

    And Lebanon, The media, The UN and The Red Cross/Humanitarian Aids are the Judges? 🥊🥊🥊⏰⏰⏰

  10. 16

    Fired by whom? Hamas loves rockets. If Israel is shooting at Hamas, Gazans just need to expel Hamas. Do Gazans denounce Hamas?? Do they make themselves an ally with Hamas??

  11. 17

    ما يجري في غزة ، أليس بمحرقة تشبه ما جرى في السابق؟
    هل الغرب مصاب بالعمى.؟
    العالم كله أصبح يدرك حقيقة ما يدور في رؤوس الحكام و قمة الكذب الذي يتحلى به الإسرائيليين.

  12. 20

    How on earth is the world letting Israel to bomb Gaza so easy and kill around 9000 innocent people just like nothing has happened. A big shame on united nations and the world. This is disgusting. we humans are much worth than animals😭😭😭

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