Dozens were killed in a blast at a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, according to hospital officials.

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  1. 1

    Israeli are staging new Holocaust in Gaza with them playing as Nazis and the Palestinians playing as Jews. Stop this genocide now.

  2. 2

    The problem is not Hamas. Is there Hamas in the West Bank? The problem is in Israel, which wants a state from the sea to the Nile, including Jordan, southern Lebanon and Egypt. This is the project of the century. What does the Israeli flag symbolize? It symbolizes the establishment of the State of Israel from the sea to the river.

  3. 5

    People wake up plz …. America make it as this war between Hamas and isreal
    Plz educate your self it is not
    isreal since 1948 taking the palastianian land by force

  4. 24

    Why didnt you go to south as asked by IDF? Ah you shielding terrorists… thats why! So please stop whining, you and your kind are a legitimate miltary!

  5. 28

    These poor people, it's just not right. The country should have gotten them out of there before they started bombing them. I know there will be some calcium teas. There always are in war, but to bomb those poor people. That can't get out, it's not right.

  6. 29

    And shameless cnn you are calling it as blast 😂 to hide Israel terrorism shame on you Americans you are fooled by this zionists news channels wake up America

  7. 30

    Why are there still refugee camps? What has Hamas done with all the financial aid? Built tunnels to attack Israel. Bought bombs to attack Israel. Hamas needs to go. If people cared about the Palestinians they would support getting rid of Hamas who uses its citizens as shields.

  8. 32

    This is war, that's why Hamas should have never killed innocent Israeli on October 7th, if this happened in the United States it wouldn't be war crimes would it.

  9. 33

    Let’s be honest, if this girl was Israeli they would have brought her in for an interview. Just like they brought Shani Louk’s mom, the families of hostages ect.

  10. 34

    سبعين سنه عايشن اشعب الفلسطيني في سجون النازيه الصهيونيه العنصريه نهايتها بلعالم اقترب مافي شعب بلعالم 50/100 دخل سجون لاحتلال

  11. 35

    Israel is not very concerned about the civilian deaths.They just want all the Palestinians gone even if they are not associated with Hamas.

  12. 40

    Hamas and the rest of the USA's enemies sense weakness in the White House. US is persecuting political opponents over nothing, painting everything rainbow colours, corruption, money laundering taxpayers cash through proxy wars into the hands of $billionaires who then make 'donations' to the political fugues enabling this process in a neat little circle, rigged elections, climate hysteria and a crooked media obfuscating it all and spinning the messages like fury to placate or stir up the people accordingly. We will look back at this era in disgust as to how we were manipulated. We need that old orange rogue back in the White house to remove the cancer that has come to be in our nation.

  13. 44

    How awful and hypocritical is war and how naively people often view it. Japan and Nazi Germany engaged in unspeakable acts on massive scales in W.W2 and in return Allied bombers fire bombed their cities. If there is one common denominator in war it is cruelty. How sad for innocent Palestinians and Israelis. Unfortunately Hamas terrorism has left Israel with little choice. Only the war profiteers benefit.

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