Chris Christie scolds audience after being booed for his opposition to Trump

Republican presidential candidate and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie scolds an audience after being booed for his opposition to GOP frontrunner and former President Donald Trump. CNN senior political commentator Ana Navarro and Vanity Affairs special correspondent Molly Jong-Fast discuss. #CNN #News

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  1. 1

    I used to believe that Chris Christie is the most truthful one among all GOP candidates until he visited Israel for the war while others chose not doing so. It was the timing, a sign of forced quality.

  2. 2

    Why are the news people not going deeper into this. He’s burned his bridge, even if he wanted to he can’t go back to trump. Don’t shame him, support him

  3. 3

    Bring them back to reality Chris! This is what an intelligent, competent leader actually looks like folks, not some bragging con artist and showman like trump

  4. 7

    Christie saw the writing on the wall and finally got tired of trying to get these idiots to vote for him. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to try and court the vote from the ignorant base Trump and the silent GOP have cultivated.

  5. 8

    I think in Jimmy’s heart, he eagerly wants orange man back so badly that he can be back in the WH Press Room in 2024. So boring to be downplayed by CNN in the past 3 years.

  6. 10

    Fox has lost its path. Trump is the only hope. If Trump loses, the world will suffer like never before. Evil has a firm hold on our government and nearly half of its people.

  7. 18

    Everyone is entitled to his opinion. Christie’s pronouncements do not resonate with this audience, but he is not being humiliated. Neither he nor Trump is an appealing candidate in my opinion. Others may agree or disagree and so be it. So it is in a democracy.

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