Analyst explains how judge ‘showed his hand’ in Trump’s civil case

CNN anchor and chief legal analyst Laura Coates and former White House Ethics Czar Norm Eisen weigh in on Donald Trump’s two eldest sons, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr., testifying in the New York civil fraud case against members of their family and the #CNN #News

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  1. 4

    You are so focused on Trump while America is screaming they don't want Biden to run again. Democrats must wake up and choose a more competent candidate NOW‼️

  2. 11

    The familial behavior of massively consistent dishonesty are so ridiculous it’s like an attempt by the Trump family to gas light the nation if not the entire world. So embarrassing internationally.

  3. 12

    As with all media outlets, there is nothing new in what they say and rarely a change of perspective , so the hours of courtroom debate is just pinched into a fluffy comment.

  4. 15

    I'm confused.Before you get a loan from a bank using property as collateral, isn't it standard to have the loan institution make an appraisal BEFORE they grant you the loan?

  5. 17

    Listen closely to these bias clowns they are leading you where they want to be be and it's scripted very carefully with all playing teaches part
    None of these people can be trusted

  6. 21

    They ARE being 'crucified' but not by the court. They are being crucified by their own non-credible lies, misstatements, and bizarre attempts to avoid answering questions.

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