Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., argues Pentagon leadership is taking the military in a ‘dangerously wrong direction.’
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The men out there now are a bunch of pussies! I volunteered during the Vietnam Era and I was 17. Evva male should have to serve at least two years???
Look at what Tuberville is doing for the Republicans – nobody wants to fight for a country that disrespects it’s military and veterans!
The reason why the recruiting is down. Because nobody wants a fight for this country anymore. Everybody realizes how evil the government is. And the stuff that they're trying to do to the American citizens. And nobody will fight for his country anymore.
lol, or…or…People don't want to go into the military.
Are invaders have already walked in.
Thats the plan, remember those military age illegals?
They'll reinstate the draft. Wait and see.
Thanks new green deal, and a foreign governments who hi-jack our government
They are doing it deliberately,,,, they ancer to China
The worst people among us rose to the top while losing the 20 year terror war. The US military is a dirt bag meritocracy now. Senior officers are just tools for defense contractors. Obese Lloyd Austin comes to mind.
Hey dude,why dont you go shout it from the rooftops so all our enemies know exactly where we are at.OMG.
I do not think we should start ww3 to save tawian sorry but should the whole world suffer ww3 for an island that china feels that is theres
Sure signal this to Russia and China. Tell him all about our pitfalls and shortcomings. Is this intentional?
Let the Transmissions go fight on front lines = problems solved
We have a crappy president and nobody cares.
What a shame and what a joke this administration has made of our military
You can’t expect the lady boys of America to break a nail or go fight an enemy that’s gonna say hurtful things to them. America is doomed.
This Administration SUCKS!!! TRUMP 2024!!
This is so dangerous
They are focused on exterminating the United states government, Louis farrakhan Obama and the benjamites
Normal Soldiers hate what you have done from the Top down. Disgusting behaviour begets mass exodus.
All because of criminal democrats. We need to get rid of all of them. Strip them of citizenship and send them packing. Don’t care how many. They gotta go. Criminal garbage.
I had 3 family members has heart attacks after covid vacations. this is why people don't want covid shots. it's better to get the virus and your body builds immunity to it.
my husband got sick barely because his immune system took care of it. covid vaccine had worse side effects. I won't get covid vaccine. NO WAY.
we are down because Biden was trying to force them to take the covid vaccines. and they didn't want them. so Biden fired them out of the military
Bet the fact that the economy is well on the rise and if you want truth all people have to do is read financial weekly and not listen to these liers who make their paycheck by doing just that and see who can get away with biggest lie and do it legally ,just shameful behaviour ,whatever happened to the news being honest or it wouldn't be on air
Sounds like Obama in charge
The maga senator Tuberville is holding up the armed forces with his antics.
I support our military and this WOKE stuff isn't helping. But we should not be making public our weaknesses. That's bad enough with the Commander in Chief. What your putting out in public are enemies are seeing!!!
I'm an army man & the US is a laughing stock with this 3 year joke of a leadership
That's because people are afraid to be in the services with Joe Biden at the wheel the mandatory covid shot funding Ukraine Russia war
This happens to our military every single time the Democrat Party gets control! Every time…bar none!
Of course biden has depleted our strategic oil reserves by making sure China got them. He left 80+ billion of military equipment behind in Afghanistan and is shipping million's more to the Ukraine.
100% true
The army on record. You are discounting the retired and others who have discharged, their families, the honest people who and love our country.
Nobody wants to be in a woke girly military.

God help us
fight your own wars rich ppl
That’s why when China decides to attack or armies, are not going to be the one to repel it’s going to be the patriots over 50 million
The military is a joke right now. If we were to be invaded, we would never be able to depend on the military to protect us.
They should probably not keep this in the news!. If I had no one to back me, there's no way I'd tell a gang that was gonna jump me that, "I'm having trouble finding people to back me up in a fight." Thats as bad as telling your opponent that there's no bullets in this gun I'm pointing at you.
Our leadership is a joke the best military in the world no one to lead,thanks for broardcasting it out to the world.
Mandate draft of age 17 to Fifty of all immigrants
But hey have diversity? That’ll win a war for sure?