FOX News contributor Douglas Murray discusses President Biden’s executive order establishing a federal workforce training and service initiative to fight climate change on ‘The Bottom Line.’
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Biden was mumbling away about climate change a while back and was telling a reporter who challenged him about "all the forest fires" he has been to caused by this. I would love to hear Biden explain how a few degrees difference in the ambient air temperature causes forest fires when the flash point at which trees spontaneously combust is 572 degrees fahrenheit. This idiot knows no more about climate change than he knows about guns and electric cars.
Thorium’s Long-Term Potential in Nuclear Energy: New IAEA Analysis
Google it!
Our legislators and presidents are killing America.
Biden is could you miss it!
Climate Change: The made up catastrophe used by globalists and socialists to instill fear and guilt, to tax, regulate, and remove our freedoms, while pretending to be saving the planet.
Repeat this over and over Joey:
"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, People like me."

Fake Fox Newz lying for profit to the ignorant.
My new car

You have to tell the people the truth always to combat the lies of this lying administration and all its lying troops in all their lies and propaganda. Evil must never win. Learn from innocent Adam and Eve taken advantage of by the wily Father of Lies in the Garden of Eden.
He was not elected. He's a puppet.
Joe Biden is inbred stupid
In my opinion which could be wrong but I dont think it is, Joe Biden is a disgrace to himself, a disgrace to his family, to his college teachers, and his great grandparents but I could be wrong.
Ice Cream all around
This whole climate issue is nothing but just so Al Gore has a job.
What has China ever done to you, you frigging BASTARDS. Just start WW3 and I hope China empties its nuclear arsenal on you hyocrites.
Every summer the temperatures get hotter but the Republicans have special broken thermometers that don't work.
Everything about the biden administration is a disgrace.
China owns Biden
These global elites should open a chain of BNBs from all the egg there about to get on there face.
Biden is a cost of living (non) interest
Climate Change Cultists. The obsessed sociopaths need serious mental health treatment.
Biden ruined America.
Climate Control is just a name. The true agenda and motive is for rich to become richer. Its baffling how some do not see how these politicians became multi-millionaires. Trump interupted their scam in 2016 and he'll do again, this time with vengeance. Its the only explanation for the hatred towards him, he took their cash cow. The old saying " never mess with a persons paycheck"
The climatologists are preaching to the normal class, you need to pay more and expect less because the world needs you ….all the while the globalist elitist continue to fly thier fuel guzzling private jets all because they address the solution and never see themselves as the problem,
Let’s go Brandon and his failed administration
Trump 2024!!!
Fair winds and following seas to all.
Trump 2024
She was high
Hey Biden your a disgrace to the Biden administration
Forget the climate issue Biden! Help America today! Close the border! Lower food prices! Get real!
Why not talk about trumps discovered crimes. Republican supporters don't know what is good and bad president.
Biden is good president. He realy works the people unlike Trump. Pres. Biden is the greatest pred. in America.
The entire administration is a corrupt disgrace
He dont care about anything but getting more money, for himself