From Wall Street to travel and tech – here are the companies axing jobs #shorts

The January jobs report showed layoffs increased 136% from the previous month, with companies like Google, Amazon, Citigroup and UPS cutting employees.

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  1. 4

    But Biden and his press secretary always say that employment/jobs is up.just a demoncrat lie to the American public they can’t do anything about it,we’ll lie some more and the kicker is we will lie again around election time oh and that democracy’s on the ballot and serial killer rights I mean abortion rights,LGBTQ ,more illegal immigration ,Ukraine and Israel and Taiwan they want to spend more billions while Americans are struggling and they will vote democrat again bc that’s what these ppl care about

  2. 6

    There are way too many admin jobs that do nothing for the economy. Unions for unskilled labor should be restricted from the labor market.

  3. 9

    Fox Corporations, Google, and Coca-Cola just to name a few are funding these illegal migration. Open Society, World Economic Forum, and Klaus Schwab doing s hell of a great job. 👍🏼 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  4. 11

    According to the Taskmaster we're doing wonderful just because he wakes up every morning. He brags his delusional fantasy accomplishments and we are supposed to be ecstatic. MEGA MAGA TRUMP AND AMERICA 🇺🇸 ARE GOING TO BE GREAT AGAIN!!!

  5. 15

    Bedenomics at its finest. Check the statistic comparing how much each president was worth before his role in white house vs. After. I'll wait.
    The powerful line their pockets while middle class vanishes, all the while controlling media & education to cause devision and turmoil so what's really happening flies under the radar, by the time enough people wake up it may be too late

  6. 19

    20% down year over year…yeah, down because of the smaller pool to count from.

    Companies gotta pay stockholders. To show a profit, there are layoffs. This shows profit, then they hire back and layoff again

  7. 24

    They must have hired all these illegals come in illegally into this country and giving them free paperwork work visas driver's licenses because Americans ain't working

  8. 33

    Washington Post is nothing but left-wing propaganda for the Democrat party. People are waking up to a bunch of lies and not reading it anymore.

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