‘ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS’: Mom argues schools trying to ‘divide’ families

Misty Startup, mother of six and grandmother of two, joins ‘The Big Money Show’ with reaction to a California judge blocking policies that require teachers inform parents about children changing gender identity. #foxbusiness

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  1. 2
    Farhan Abdulhamid

    Happens invest in police free family all freedom and Family All brother and sister and Family All freedom family all investment in police free family all Democratic Policy in free family all Democratic Policy in free family all brother and sister and Family All Californians government family all history Family All freedom family all investment in police free family all California happens family all brother and sister and Family All Californians government OK Family all history first Family All brother and sister and Family All freedom family all investment in police free family all companies and airport in family all export and import freedom family all investment in police free family all PEACE OK THANKS

  2. 9

    They are brainwashing kids with gender crap in schools, they are planting a seed, and it needs to stop now!

  3. 13
    Pauly Boy

    Don't forget that all of this was started by Hillary Clinton and her it takes a village to raise a child speech where she said that the parents needs and concerns are secondary to the government.

  4. 14
    Hans Hansen

    Schools and teachers are not trying to take control over your child or take them away from you. They are trying to protect children.
    If you have a comfortable and friendly relationship with your child then the child will come to you to talk about things that matter to them, such as gender identity or homosexuality. If you are a bigot and small-minded then your child will seek advice elsewhere, most likely the school teachers. Bigots and small-minded parents hurt their child either physically, mentally or emotionally and that is why schools should never inform such parents. Children also have the right to privacy.

  5. 18
    Sergio Campanale

    The easy optic – Evil Woke Dem Intersectional monsters BLOCK 'Moms' and 'Pas' from protecting their children from evil, Satanic groomers who want to warp and mutilate them.
    The more complicated and less 'sexy' optic – School boards try to protect children from parents with extreme religious views and try to find a middle way where both are listened to and both are accommodated to a degree, but always with the best interests of the child as paramount.

    Because this might seem to strip the parents of their property rights over their offspring and the right to impose their own morality onto their offspring and because it challenges the simplistic 'good guys vs bad guys' narrative, they go for the easy optic. As you watch these endless, identikit videos, ask yourself: I am seeing and hearing exactly what I want to see and hear every time. Everything looks exactly as I would imagine it to be. Could there be something suspect in that perhaps?

  6. 23

    No one is to tslk to my child about sexuality at all never mind with the intention of filling their heads with the absolute fallacy that they can change their gender. Regardless with what a court says the local sheriff can arrest those teachers and counselors with child endangerment .

  7. 24
    Mark LaVonna

    It sounds to me like this lady doesn't mind if her child says that he's a pink squirrel, orange tree leaf or SpongeBob SquarePants as long as they teach everything else as well? Am I wrong, did I miss something?

  8. 29
    Mar. C.

    We should be watching closer that teacher's "union" and teacher certifications. A profound investigation is highly necessary.

  9. 30
    Sean Schwifty

    What’s wrong with teachers building a strong and trusting relationship with their students?? I think it would benefit the kids long-term to have that extra, well-educated guidance. So many parents are narrow/closed minded that the kids feel they are trapped or completely misunderstood.
    In my classes, I tell my students they can come to me with anything—Especially when it concerns their feelings about possibly being misgendered since birth. I actually help kids realize their true gender identity, and connect them with healthcare professionals who can help them transition, all without their difficult and selfish parents getting in the way. My students become like my kids, and they love me for it 🥰😘
    Y’all might be surprised with just how many kids are wanting to transition to their true genders, and I look at it like a personal responsibility to help them quickly, quietly and without permission from their “parents” or “guardians” 👀👍

  10. 33
    chris brewer

    Public meetings without these board members present and with special committees geared toward following up on there bad behavior and what the community can do to remove them from there positions in the schools is the only way to handle them, they will continue this attack on our children and our lives regardless of anything we say in there board meetings.

  11. 35
    Andrew Maya

    Our government seems to be unaware of the country's inflation, and the situation is deteriorating daily. I believe we should explore ways to increase our income through improved opportunities.

  12. 38

    When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

  13. 40
    Caroline Weaver

    If cross-gender identity is a “medical issue,” then schools must not interfere with parents’ legal medical decision making for their children.

  14. 42

    This perversion being forced by our government and brought into the classrooms is a disgrace also there is no place for this sickness in our education system. Those endorsing this should immediately be removed from the system of education they occupy.

  15. 43

    Well lady expect things to get worse as they take more and more control over everybody. Sounds like the book 1984!!

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