FOX Business’ Madison Alworth speaks with Sean’s Bar and Kitchen owner Sean Reilly on the decline in happy hour attendance. #foxbusiness
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the young r infatuated w their phones these days, gazing at the tiny glowing screens does not make for stimulating convivial times. that bar was as quiet as a library— bring in a dj, start a dart league, promote ur local microbrews…just a few suggestions. this too shall pass:)
The drunk dude looking at a booty call
About time people spent more family time.
I like how the old guy in the bar was staring at her a$$ and was completely obvious about it. Creep.
LOL that dirty old man checking her out.

THanks joe !
Don’t forget most work from home
People are skipping the bar because no one can afford it in the Bidenflation! Bars aren't cheap! Especially now after Biden took the big seat!
My pups were called children. And they like to see their dad. And your wife not getting hit on at the Bar.
Funny old hippie guy checking her out. Hey babe you come here often. lol
New Yorkers don't add much value. Overpaid, underworked , over opinionated.
Not too many people can afford happy hour anymore…
The guy drinking at the bar sure was eyeballing the female reporter.

This has been a long time coming, society is already slowly becoming more and more antisocial, the pandemic just sped it up. Most people would rather just sit at home and have everything delivered to them rather than go out and socialize
Leaders should not fraternize.
How about the economy?
No it's because of the me too movement. Go MGTOW!!!!!!
Maybe, just maybe, they are going home to take care of the most important things; their responsibilities at home.
I stopped going when bars started charging $7 for a domestic beer. The "reduced" Happy Hour price of $6 is no bargin. We still get together at freinds houses where it's more like a party where we can weed out the degenerates.
Dig "Krusty the Clown" sitting at the bar and checking our Madison's backside as she strolls by him!

Money is drying up duh .
Co-workers are not your friends.
Ive never understood why people socialize with workers and neighbors. I like to pick out my friends. Not let my location pick out my friends. Friends are people you have many things in common with. Workers and neighbors most likely don't. And so many people hack phones and stalk others in obsessive ways these days. One has to be aware of the weirdos. You have to be very decerning about who you let in your home these days – or a micro camera might suddenly be streaming your private life.

Coworkers are not your friends spend as little time with them as possible