This never should have happened: Sen. Ernst

Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, joined ‘Mornings with Maria’ to discuss the potential for a government shutdown, the U.N. General Assembly, and the Biden administration’s foreign policy strategy. 

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  1. 2
    Lucy Pal

    Our government seems unaware of the country's inflation, and the situation is worsening daily. We should explore ways to increase our income through improved opportunities.

  2. 9
    George Price

    This is what you get when you vote for Democrats they are destroying our country from within and they're doing a good job of it because nobody stops are pushes back. The people have a big decision to make in the 24 election whether we want to be a socialist country or not I don't want to be I've seen first hand what happens in those countries and it's not very pleasant you can already see Joe Biden rule as a dictator now he doesn't even use executive orders anymore

  3. 10
    Chanal Adams

    👍👍👍👍. I was at a retirement seminar and the speaker spoke on how he quit his job after he made well over $950,000 PROFIT within 3months he invested $120,000. I just began investing and i will really appreciate any tips or helpful guide….

  4. 11
    Brian Ogle

    President Biden administration is bully to the American people and yet a coward to the enemy !!!! Disgusting of the Democrats.

  5. 16
    Some Dude

    This was hilarious.. I cost more to shut it down because we have to back pay.. but then if they never went out they still would have got paid. Over time I get but lol.

  6. 17

    That’s Biden/Obama’s strategy is to bring down Israel and indirectly funding Iran to do that. Weakening America is their end game to allow a group of globalists to run the world.

  7. 18
    Jerry Harder

    How long do we have to wait to get the action these career liars, thieves and murderers say we deserve? Everyone who takes a public office should be liable for their words under threat of jail. They are allowed to lie because they are not under oath and they pass laws to enhance themselves and their friends' portfolios. Why don't you get to the problem and stop throwing bandaids and wrenches. Greed over public funds should lead to public shaming. The federal reserve and the stock market should be eliminated!

  8. 21
    C.A Kirk

    Rand Paul gets the American people! Awesome speech! Sick of hearing what's bad for GOP establishment. Vote for the people!

  9. 23
    Payman Alimi

    How you drain the swamp is to monitor from president to senators to congress money they receive and from who, and what is for? And if there is corruption and money, laundering, they need to go to prison and confiscate their wealth

  10. 24
    Tammy Benard

    Somebody mentioned shut it down and DO NOT back pay. I concur. I am Reb/consv … I am at the point that I would rather have a reasonable independent than some of what we have. Im getting involved in the election at some level this time around. Im homeless in 2 weeks. At least I will have a place in jail when they come after me. Laughing

  11. 26
    Tammy Benard

    Anybody watching from KY? First, I LOVE KY! I am in FL. Please do us all a big favor and stop voting for him? Please please please. The rest of the states think he needs to take his last lap. Plus he is too friendly with Biden's gaggle. Thank you. God Bless.

  12. 27
    Shannen Vogel

    And anti terror task force dispatched to high risk areas such as Atlanta, DC, Charlotte, New York, Florida, Texas, California, Washington State, Bering Strait Border on Alaska, Ohio/Michigan/ Indiana, Pennsylvania, Ans New Jersey

  13. 31
    Shannen Vogel

    A government shutdown would leave us vulnerable from a security standpoint. We need security, we don’t need foreign allegiance to a civil war in the former Soviet Union.

  14. 32
    david abney

    Rhinos and Moderates in the Republican Party will "NOT" fight for their constituents when it comes to eliminating wasteful spending in the budget. This nation needs more senators and representatives with a "spine" like President Trump has. In these dire times Patriot-Americans should stand shoulder to shoulder against the "evil" that resides within our Federal Government. This evil is referred to as the Deep State, and they work for the Democrat Party under the cloak of being a Federal employee. The FBI, Justice Department, CIA, other areas of the Federal Government, including the White House have Democrat Operatives employed by the Federal Govt, working to advance the Democrat agenda, instead of serving the American people. That handful of Republicans standing firm against the excessive spending is very inspiring!

  15. 33
    Clint Boggess

    So democrats know that they can push through their agenda and do not have to compromise!! So democrats have nothing to lose. Shut it down!!! Joni Ernst is a RINO!!!

  16. 35
    Proteus Augustus

    His answer tells you what you need to know. It is about their party; not the people. Send employees home and don't pay them. It's time for the fascist bureaucracy to fired for good.

  17. 37
    Michael Jack Scott

    I was at a retirement seminar and the speaker spoke on how he quit his job after he made well over $950,000 PROFIT within 3months he invested $120,000. I need guidance on what investments to make.🚀🚀🚀..

  18. 40

    FOX can you get this to Neils? desk: Hey Neil, why do you keep giving all the Marxist/Democrats a platform while you sit and smile like pumpkin and not say a word???? I just heard Biden has the mental acuity and you said not one word about his gaffs and global embarrassment every time he speaks????? You smiled???,lol,,,You do this all the time, never dispute, maybe once we saw it, learn some facts.Thought you would have been fired when Sheppard was fired!

  19. 43
    Kathryn Brandon

    Tax payers are never the winner. System is rigged. Close the border and stop political prosecutions! That's millions they wasted on the Durham report. They gave them money on 9/11 a slap in the face to the American people who died.

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