Heritage Foundation senior fellow Brent Sadler joined ‘Varney & Co.’ to discuss the Biden administration’s growing role in the Israel-Hamas war as Israeli forces launch more raids into Gaza overnight. #foxbusiness
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Stop the oil tankers.That will get their attention.
Most awful president in worlds
Decades,decades,decades of weaponization of government agencies and military decline in leadership, especially,during Clinton's,
Obama's,Biden's administrations.
The invasion at our borders is just another TREASONOUS AGENDA.
Cornpop What Do You Have To Say Now
I thought Hannity said said joey was on the wrong side of every political decision in DC for over 40 years!!!!
Politicians family’s in fox hole front lines. Stand your ground remember they got your back. Clinton s. Obama obidens
Look at all the money the corrupt politicians an Family’s make on insider trading. Privilege
Insurance privilege voting themselves pay raises privilege on taxpayers SSA. Retirement money. Lockbox needed keep politicians n government agencies out defund federal agencies
I'd like to hear what Sadler has to say about National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. I just read this about Sullivan –
On March 24, 2022, Donald Trump sued numerous people including Hillary Clinton and Jake Sullivan alleging a conspiracy by the Hillary Clinton campaign to invent the Russian collusion scandal. The suit was dismissed on September 8, 2022, and on January 19, 2023, a federal judge imposed nearly $1 million in sanctions on Trump and his lawyer Alina Habba, calling the suit “completely frivolous.”
Turns out Trump was right and the federal judge was wrong. Clinton, Sullivan and that federal judge should all be in jail.
So so truth
Criminales, Israel is a criminal people
Killar killarkillar jobiden is a killar
We already have 33 casualties in the middle east and Biden has done NOTHING! He supports the terrorists.
Damnit no one has been willing to accept the fact that America is already under attack but refuses to take the threats seriously and this administration needs to wake the hell up!
Especially obama, bush an biden.
Military Generals have no place in government politics, their job is to device a battle plan, inform the government, protect it's citizens and defeat the enemy at all cost, end of discussion.
Failing failed falling done
Someone should tell Biden that Corn Pop is in Iran……maybe then he will be more inclined to do something!
Can you emagine being a US soldier getting bombed but being ordered to not shoot back or defend yourself ???
Only 13 years since US began we haven't been in a conflict. Sad to say we need this s***!
Biden is a coward using Ukraine to satisfy his need for warmongering
China won’t attack Taiwan. It’s really scare tactics…
Don't act late otherwise you'll be cripple and tons ask why not work earlier.
This so called selected president doesnt have 1 courageous bone in his body plus he owes money or favors to IRAN. Mr Johnson impeach and charge biden and Harris
Biden had the warehouses hid after they emptied the contents on American positions, Joe is negotiating he just has found the amount of money that Iran will agree to give him the American corpse .
It's actually a result of the stolen election
Bad choices thats a poor excuse for causing conflicts and wars. American hegemony needs to end. US is the unappointed world police. We need to close those 750 military bases. No other country has 750 military bases. The world wants peace not another war based on lies and corruption. The CIA needs to be dissolved also as they are creating coups under the guise of freedom and democracy.
Bad choices? The choices to put your troops in other people's countries ??
But my question is perpetrated by who exactly?
Brent Sadler… brought to you by Raytheon, Honeywell and a host of other arms suppliers.
As the US government and State Dept suddenly become valid sources of information, the sheep line up to consume, digest and repeat what they're handing out.
Yes that’s what I keep telling the European Americans
Don't this American saying to protect , what to protect , way your jet's bombardin Gaza , way you helping this blind izraeli , from that time when day rejected Jesus a.s. God almighty panishment them day no that , day rejected the truth , American people and Muslims people day have never any problems before , this is all for this blind izraeli people , what day are doing there apartaed occupation , shame shame , live people a llon , this izraelies day don't understand , itis not Palestinian fallt, the Romens day kikt them out of Palestine ,
And while we are focused overseas, Biden has opened the door here in America for all kinds of terrorists attacks due to the shear number of illegal immigrants invading our southern border unchecked. Just wait, cause i have a feeling it will be much worse than 09/11.
Yea 30 years of bad choices, The worst of which just in the last 3 years.
Ukrainian. Iran. Owns this administration!!
Barrack Obama a Muslim who was unfortunately the president of the United States at the time.This country will take decades to recover from.
Turkey wouldn’t let the 4th ID enter Iraq from the North. Who knows what “ally” is causing issues.
Well, 2 more years of bad decisions should be fine.
these people lie Their popping up everywhere
Would Bidet start WWIII in order to stay in power? Yes. Absolutely, he would.
WOKE UP THERES NO REASON TO HURRY SO PICK A SEARCH. Rep. Conservatives right media are deadly infections Countries have and with Murdoch media right social media repeats the infection spreads. Copy search headings Google image is best US child gun deaths vs Gun lobby NRA election donations Republican gun ads Polls Trump leads Polls Biden leads Why Murdoch media hates renewable energy Republican economies vs Democrat economies Israeli war crimes 50 years of Israel stealing Palestinian land Netanyahu found guilty Netanyahu murdered Israeli soldiers admit confess Conservative found guilty (just keep scrolling) Republican economies vs Democrat economies Presidential administration indictments crimes Republican DUI threatens officer Conservative resigns List of convicted Conservative pedophiles Conservative pleads guilty (keep scrolling) Conservative ordered to pay fines Conservatives tax cuts only benefits the rich Conservatives cruelty Conservative scandal Conservatives funneled Russian money Conservative admits Conservative resigns Conservative tax cuts for the rich Conservative Harper abuse of power Conservative privatisation disaster Conservative tar sands disaster Pierre Poilievre anti-vaccine Conservative anti-vaccine masks Pierre Poilievre Toronto star nails it Conservative Doug Ford investigation
President Biden is worried about the boogeyman at night coming out of the closet he has a child's mind he should not even be in charge
Worst choices since 2020 and Obama 8 years
"…30 years of bad choices…" while a ton of hedge fund managers and politicians got very rich..Welcome to America.
I'm just waiting for Obiden to surrender…