Leadership Institute Director Riley Gaines reacts to Harvard students protesting her event and weighs in on whether transgender athletes will compete in the next Olympics. #foxbusiness
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I think 99 percent of the world is thinking the same thing. I would look to the wealth where 99 percent of the money is in the hands of a few. Those people for what ever reason could do it. We have non scientific people making decisions. It would be if someone hijacked mathematics and decided 2+2 = what ever you feel it should be and you will be right every time. No matter if its 3 6 or 99. If there was no advantage why do they ban steroids is sports? Why do they ban doping? These people by supporting the non sense are basically saying they are either liars or insane.
Take you pick.
Caitlin Jenner is with Riley Gaines.
Those violently protesting Riley Gaines are fascists
Gains, your absolutely correct, Men are men and Women are women and you can’t never change that. I feel sorry for the new generation that doesn’t want to hurt someone feelings so they expect what is totally wrong. Political correctness
She’s completely right and it’s not even complicated lol what have we come to
I respect Riley Gaines for doing so well against a guy in swimming competitions.
what is blud yappin about just BE BETTER
You can tell she is off of the steroids now. She looks much better
Should pay Lia a percentage of her compensation. Media Matters. What a parasite.
What a snowflake
. She also has a problem with black Santa as well. Go home Karen
I am open to allowing a third category. They can fight for their validity like anyone else. Maybe someone will watch them and invest in them.
You bigots are the minority
I tell you this, Gaines. If Lia Thomas was a male tarantula and you a female, we wouldnt even be having this pointless conversation because do you know what happens when a male meets a female? Yeah, she EATS him!!
She ask the wrong ? Should we Change our Society to accomidate a small group of Sexual Deviants & Perverts ? and the Answer is in the name of Jesus NO.
So can a guy identify as wheelchair bound and a cripple and enter the special Olympics now ?

It's because with Biden,we live in the Age Of Insanity!!
Riley is a real woman!
Riley is a great American women and very beautiful MAGA!!!
Totally delusional from the abolishing of the Insane Asylums
To restructure USA society for less than 0.01% of transgender activists will lead to a "civil war" as these "Transgender realities" are forced to the normal heterosexual population. Look at what is happening in the Middle East. Do you think that Palestinian moslems will welcome these Transgender Activists with love
and flowers
? I think these Transgender Activists will instead see

People please stop this before it is too late. No one wants ideology forced onto them.
Riley – tough
Democrats use this chaos to create new fundraisers so they can continue to collect free money from the public. None of this really matters to the Democrats except for all of the free cash the democrats will make ! Look at Bernie Sanders and his free ride and I bet you AOC, that group must be making a killing, literally.
Shazam Ohno Holly strawberries batman we are in a jam yah tada hahaha bad Colby cheese
8oomillion jobless x8 times worsted years ago when women's masses of people who are unemployment benefits global economy and imm hooked on phonics Ohno batman were in a jam yah tada hahaha bad Colby cheese
Everyone needs to be anti trans , have some balls and ovaries and tell it like it really is suppose to be in humanity !
Im waiting for Riley to run for Congress…100%
Report “The Riley Gaines Center” and those who are part of it to the irs, they are illegally running as a “non profit” when they go around harassing and discriminating against others which takes away his “non profit” status. Riley Gaines is a dangerous evil man!
Restructuring society doesn't happen for the minority. This administration does not speak for the majority . Vote accordingly.
If there is no advantage to male biology in sports, per the Olympic committee, why do they have separate events for men and women?
I have the same wuestion: why re-order (ruin) women's sports for the benefit of a few? We're being forced to choose, well, i choose the majority. Sorry if it isn't a perfect world dude.
Why? Because the other side is too weak or compromised to do anything
If there’s a trans wanting to play a sport they should compete as what they were birthed as…boy or girl
That's a very good question.
Imagine, we are in the 21st century and we now dont distinguis male from female.
Our country is being run by a bunch of democratic, incompetent fools. Unless we can take our country back from these clowns our country in finished.
This and other things should make it clear what " they" would do if they were able to assume total control.
It’s your fantasy, not ours. So leave the normal folks out of your pronouns and pick the right restroom.