The US Senate is relaxing its informal dress code which has required members to wear business attire. #cnn #news
Senators frustrated with relaxed dress code
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The president in the USA relaxes his mind, and that when he supported Kiev.
I can imagine the chaos that would ensue if MTG and Bobblehands both showed up in the same prom dress!
There are other things that need to be done in Congress than to worry about what 1 guy is wearing bunch of morons
You don't need a suit to get things done in Congress the ones in suits don't get shit done anyway
Disgraceful and unprofessional. 😤
Don't they have anything better to do? Tan suit outrage, recycled.
It’s a disgrace & he should ably by the dress code just like everyone else, cops, nurses, firemen, security guards etc. etc. they’re letting him get away with it, that’s the problem.
Who cares what they wear! Just do your dang job and debate stuff, make compromises and get stuff passed to help our country move forward.
So, so sick of all this partisan B.S.!
You all make like a $175,000 a year, but you don't do anything other than bicker back and forth!
Start doing your dang job you were elected to do! The American voters and taxpayers are getting tired of this con and power play you are running. We work are asses off everyday to provide for our families, and we only make maybe half what you fools are paid for doing nothing!
#vote incumbents out.
You can dress a bit down if your young and goodlooking. Old out of shape giant body hairs. No. No its not working. A gentleman is clean. We are a example too America and the world.
I love Fetterman
Even they know there's no reason to get dressed up anymore, cause pretty soon we all are going to be dressing like this.
Good view in life
He looks like a homeless
Why am i getting CNN in my feed?
Oh come on now don't you think they should all be in tuxedos formal Wear 🤔 and I pray wearing powdered wigs
It’s always entertaining to see the Democrats attempt to outdo the Republicans in terms of lacking common sense in policy making. It’s just an endless battle that never ceases to amaze.
I'd trust someone dressed like that more. Guys put on the suit to project an air of authority when they lie to you.
Jimmy Jordan has not worn a suit jacket forever now. Ted Cruze is a moron
Perhaps they should clean up their morals, instead of worrying what someone’s wearing.
Door your jobsm
Why should they have to dress up to go to the circus?
Integrity is needed then you will know how to dress.
Sorry, you got elected to the office you dress in appropriate attire. They have big and tall men shops everywhere go buy yourself some business casual at the very least! Good lord!!!!
They’re facing a shutdown, but they want to focus on “What not to wear?” 🤡🙄
Lol Pennsylvania. You elected a potato. Maybe he could be our next president.
Good job electing a total clown Democrats 🤡
Who cares!?
It's not as if any of them are doing real work anyways! They might as well be comfortable, none of them are doing sh*t for us, the average American citizen!!! I mean, just look at the conditions of this country; while Ukraine and immigrants are receiving all the help/aide.
Ted looks like an Enriquez Manuel Cruz of Cuban decent but born in Canada and thinks he's a Texan American. His shirt on the back reads : I'm a grifter from the debunked Tea Party Movement, kick here.
I think that needs to stay on the professional side
Dress like a professional and by all means, do what all of our congressmen and women have yet to do. Behave in a professional and ethical manner.
He should show up in a tan suit. That would really cause an uproar.
now they can look like they act
lol lol lol lol
where is their pride
Don't care if they come naked. I care that they do their FN jobs!
This the least of there worries however they represent our States and when they travel abroad they represent the Country. They should look apart but dress down days is fine as well!!
Heaven forbid if one sex is required to cover up in multiple layers while the other is permitted to have their knees elbows or chest exposed.
Who really cares?