FOX News contributor Joe Concha reacts to the president’s latest gaffe.
Biden praises wrong group during Hispanic Caucus event #shorts
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FOX News contributor Joe Concha reacts to the president’s latest gaffe.
It's criminal that biden is in office. He's about to get even more dangerous. When he doesn't get his WAY.
The sad thing about it come. 2024 he'll end up having 824 billion votes.
👑Joe Biden💪👔👞👞🎤🇺🇸🌌🌌🌌🌌🌟🌟🌟🌟💙💗💙💗🎲🎲👌😀
He knows all about roaches.
What a joke, 81 million voters, yeah right, and I'm ironman
Well, you ain’t doing this for the benefit of Americans💰🏴☠️💰🏴☠️
More rehearsal needed.
His dad was my granddad age and back the they were racist as hell back then
He’s no worse than the stable genius who suggested injecting bleach into your body to get rid of COVID. The stable genius who looked directly into a solar eclipse. The stable genius who didn’t know that Puerto Rico was a territory and not a state. Ok…
When he says "my dad told me!" you know he's about to lie yet again.
Pinocchio Biden!
They all the same to a real racist
Biden is a marxist and must go.
So embarrassing
Trump 2024
Well, at least we dont have mean tweets anymore, we now have rampant inflation, southern border wide open, our enemies running wild, giving the wacked out mullahs of Iran 6 billion dollars, Jobama is like Jimmy Carter on steroids
Why???? We need Trump back
I’m pretty sure you and your daddy had a lot of conversations. I’m pretty sure that you and your daddy sniffed and smelled every little girls hair. I’m pretty sure you and your daddy shared conversations about how sexy little girls are. And told them not to tell her mommy and daddy.
🇺🇸🇺🇸Trump 2024🇺🇸🇺🇸
Biden thinks everyone is a niggar.
Everything the guy says is a lie. Is he really conscious of that? I should just believe fantasy.
It does not look like the same person… where's brandon?
This creepy Joe he should never been president he is falling apart in front of the world it time to impeacan them both an vote for Trump again anyone else that will make America great again God bless America 🇺🇲🇺🇲
Treat everyone the same! Really! How are you treating Americans? You are not protecting our country.
Unless you're a straight white male conservative….
😅😂😮 gotta love America. Frick'in criminal loser
JB and KH are such an absolute embarrassment…
This guy is so far gone. He's a squatter in the White House. He sure doesn't belong in there how many lies has it been now and nobody wants to call him out when he makes these lies
If you dont vote for him your not Hispanic 😂
Next week, maybe the Chinese getting confused with the Vietnamese?
As a 100 percent republican Latino, Cant wait to see him removed from leading this country.
Is this not the same man who said he did not want his kids going to school in the jungle?
God bless you, Biden, please do the right thing. Step down your mental health is your dawn fall.😢😮
Maybe it's because he so much cares about black people supposedly is why he has not fixed the boarders problem because he thinks their black..oh my God trying to figure out what the hell he is thinking gives me a migraine
When will the Democrats and Bidens family do the right thing for our country and remove him from office? Shameful!
I don't understand how if that isbad and renders him unfit how trump doing the same thing ok… Trump had also mixed up groups of ppl he's also said some not real things other presidents have done it in the passed everyone does it … When your running a whole country of entitled idiots by yourself because Congress won't do their job (both Biden and trump) things tend to blend together and when you speak publicly as much as the pres does your bound to mess up words … however, Biden has a documented speech condition what's Trump's excuse
Such an evil man presiding over the destruction of our country.
Your dad Teached you all the lies since you were born!!
The ACORN king's Manchurian floods America with 6 million indigent and demands we "welcome strangers", feed them, gib dim fwee healt'cay, fwee housing, at tax payers expense. Inflation 'is' the Rules For Radicals.
"Everybody…entitled to dignity and respect." – Well, except more than half the country, that want to Make America Great Again, those terrible people who want honest elections…
This guy thinks people are dumb. Feed the hungry please there so much giving back. Hypocrisy
To Biden they are all the same votes based upon democratic lies
What a liar, his father supported segregation and was a stonch racist.
take that president out of the White House and is vice president to
Who the hell is actually running our Country?? He should resign immediately!!