A secret state: Going inside North Korea (2018)

CNN’s Will Ripley goes inside North Korea to uncover the unexpected realities of the country, and its people, in this 2018 documentary. #CNN #News

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  1. 7

    I have no words for how f*cking cringe this is. Stop fetishizing North Korea. Stop treating it's people like some human zoo, just stop dehumanizing them ffs.
    The fact that CNN would produce something on such a low level is truly mind-blowing. I expected better….

  2. 9

    They have free time to cheer with their friends and family like we have in USA.
    American kids addicted into video game, music and other things they like to destroy brand new buildings.
    They painted their own gangster territory, I am sure people heard some people got attack during their exercise outside in public.
    Country side in North Korea looks beautiful.

  3. 10

    Indoctrination and conditioning at it's finest. The religions of the world use the same crap. And it still works. Humans can be molded into absolutely ANYTHING as long as they're being properly brainwashed.

  4. 23

    North Korea plays a dangerous game with its entire population, which is inconsequential to the ruling government. They may have close ties to China and Russia, but I don't believe if given that NK was to attack any other country with their nukes the other countries would risk Global Theatre wide Thermonuclear War over this pauper state run by a fat cheese loving turdbucket.

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